Chapter 1

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Stakeouts were either Jay's favourite or least favourite part of the Intelligence Unit; he had yet to decide. The peace that idling in comfortable silence for hours could bring was a sweet relief from the frantic ones spent raiding houses and chasing down criminals. If his time in the army had taught him anything, it was to savour the quiet moments. The Unit was currently trying to bust Santago Derillo, in hopes to flip him and gain information on his gang's shot-caller.

"Any movement?"  Voight's voice crackled over the radio. Upton and him had been sitting on Santago's last known residence for two hours now,

"Negative Sarge. Are we sure this is his residence?" Jay's partner replied. She looked at him and he gave her a look before fixing his eyes back on the house.

"We're sure, stay on it, if anything comes up, report it."  Hailey sighed, shuffling around and adjusting her position.

"Woah, woah, do you see that?" He jolted forward, leaning to get a better angle. The house they were sitting on wasn't fancy, made from brick, one story, run down, with a side door that had just opened from inside. The door exited out into a small alley between the neighbouring house and it was hard to get a clear eye.

"Is that him?" Hailey said, also leaning forwards. The door frame was occupied by a short man who looked to be in his thirties, his head was scanning the alley for threats and as he turned towards the street they confirmed their suspect.

"Sarge, we've got him. He's exiting the house now, you want us to pick him up or keep the eye?" Jay radioed over,

"Bring him in." Hank confirmed. Hailey and him casually vacated the car, crossing the road and nonchalantly walking towards Santago who was now walking up the alley on his way to the street. The man, paranoid, made them almost instantly and booked it in the opposite direction.

"Circle round, I'll follow!" Jay shouted to his partner as he started in pursuit of their suspect, Hailey running for the next alley over.

"5021 George requesting back-up, in pursuit of offender fleeing on-foot, between (address)." He spoke into his radio. Santago had taken a left at the end of the small alley, tipping over a garbage bin in hopes to slow him down. Jay simply leaped over the bin and continued in pursuit, Hailey rounding the corner and joining his side.

"Copy that 5021 George, back-up in route." Dispatch replied.

"CPD, stop running!" Jay announced as they started closing in. The man took a turn to the right, coming to an abrupt stop. His path was blocked by a garbage truck, and the mis-turn gave Hailey and Jay the opportunity to corner him, guns drawn. Santago, having no other options, pulled his own gun.

"Drop the weapon and put your hands up!" Hailey ordered, "Now!" The man was panicked, whipping his head in every-direction.

"Put the gun down! Or we will shoot you!" Jay yelled, gaining his attention.

"Okay, okay," Santago slowly lowered his weapon and reluctantly surrendered it to the ground, 

"Just don't shoot me man." Hailey moved fast, hastily securing the man's hands behind his back and patting him down, right as patrol rolled up behind them.

"Voight, we got him, bringing him in now." 

Jay followed as Hailey dragged Santago Derillo inside the 21st precinct. He would have followed them up the stairs but the buzzing of his phone stopped him.

"Hey Hailey, are you good to fill in Voight?" He asked, holding his ringing phone up in explanation.

"Yeah, go ahead." He waited until she had left his sight before answering.

"Jay Halstead,"

"'s your sister." The voice on the other end sounded. Jay paused,

"Mara?" He asked in disbelief, he hadn't seen or spoken to his younger sister in at least six years.

"That is my name, unless you forgot?" She joked, with a slight accusation somewhere in her tone.

"No, no of course I didn't. I just haven't seen you in what? Six years?"

"Seven actually, I'm fifteen now," She corrected. A silence followed, and despite being connected via phone, it still felt awkward. Jay thought back to the last memory of his sister and pictured a skinny-faced eight year old with wide blue eyes; that was seven years ago? He couldn't believe it.

"So, uh, how have you...been?" He tried to bridge the silence.

"Don't worry, I didn't call for...that. I need to talk to you," She paused, "In person."

"Why? Is everything okay, are you in trouble?" Jay's stomach flipped with worry.

"Woah, calm down Jay. I'm... fine, just need to talk," Jay heard the reservation in her words
which did nothing to ease his worry.

"Um, okay. Well, I'm working on a case right now, so how about tomorrow morning?" Mara was quiet as she considered this,

"Yeah that works. Meet at the old diner Dad used to take us to?" Jay knew exactly where she meant. He used to meet his dad and half-sister at the diner every Saturday morning for pancakes. The memory brought a smile to his face, but that was a long time ago.

"Sure, 8:30?" He asked,

"Yeah ok. Look I've gotta go, but we'll talk tomorrow." And with that she hung up, leaving Jay dumb-founded.

"Jay! Are you coming?!" Hailey's head popped up in the doorway and stared at him. Seeing his shocked face she stepped inside, curious.

"Who was it?" She asked,

"My sister." He spoke, not really sure what had just happened.

"Sister?" Upton questioned, "You never told me you have a sister." Jay understood why she was confused, he only talked about Mara with Will, and even then it wasn't a frequent topic.

"Yeah, she's quite a bit younger, fifteen. I hadn't talked to her in seven years." He stared at Hailey with sad eyes. Over the years he'd always meant to reach out to Mara, but as time passed the harder it seemed to be.

"Wow. What did she want?"

"To talk to me, in person. I'm meeting with her tomorrow." Jay told her, though Hailey noticed he looked concerned.

"That's not it, is it?" She pressed, wanting to know what was bothering him.

"No, she I- I think she might be in some kind of trouble." 

Hey Readers, this is a new story and I'm still work-shopping plot ideas and other various things, so updates may come slowly. Thanks for reading though, hope you have great day/night!

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