"Gonna work on upgrades before the port?" She asked him and all he did was nod, Gwen chuckled at her boyfriend and kissed his cheek again,

"Have fun sweetie, I'm gonna head home okay, my mom might come by later so make sure the security systems are up and running before leaving." Gwen said as she went on her way and Peter replied "Got it." with a thumbs up as she left and he kept working on his gear.

Felicia's Penthouse

Felicia was doing her usual stretches and pilates routine to ease her body into quick action for the upcoming mission, she sighed as she bent over all the way and pulled back up and went to get her suit ready, she grinned at the thought of a great after fuck, heck even a before fuck, for the mission with Peter who is someone she never in her life expected to meet much less be a teenager while she herself was in her 20's....and yet it works out, they meet up for fucks or heists which to her is the perfect relationship to have, she grabbed some clothes and went into her bathroom to shower.

Peter's Mancave-1:30PM

Peter finished the adjustments made to his suit and so he put it on and some regular clothes over it, he went over to the desk where he had his spare wen cartilages to refuel his shooters since there's no telling what will happen tonight but he's sure with two badass ladies helping him everything will go okay so he shouldn't worry to much. He got a text from his Aunt saying she would run errands for the day so he was home alone at the moment...he decided to try out his new gadgets on some bad guys and so he grabbed his bag and went on his way.


Spider-Man saw his perfect opportunity, a group of armed robbers were attack a bank truck trying to open the sealed doors to get the money,

"Hurry up, we got 2 minutes before the cops show up!" The lead thug shouted,

"Too late buddies!" Spider-Man shouted as he shot a small looking device into the ground...the men looked at it with curiosity then...boom...it exploded and entrapped all the men who surrounded it in a sticky web, all the men groaned and complained while Spider-man pointed and laughed at them.


Peter had spent some time on patrol since he shouldn't ignore the sirens heading to crimes happening around the city, he helped out whenever they needed and just relaxed in between, he was handling a attempted mugging and left the thug webbed up on the wall for the cops when he got a ping from his phone, he went up to the roof to read it and it was from Jessica who wanted to meet up, Peter texted where and she replied with Alias Investigations.

Jessica's Apartment/Alias Investigations

Jessica let Peter in when he knocked on the door and she led him to her makeshift office that was just a table with chairs and her computer on it,

"So what's up Jones, haven't heard from you in a while." Peter said as he sat down and Jessica sat opposite from him,

"Well not all of us are super spies,superheroes, or major league criminals, I've been handling any case people hire me for." She started and he nodded which she took as a signal to continue,

"Anyways I've been handling a case of a supposed financial robbery between a husband and wife. The wife claims her husband is cheating and stealing money from their joint account for unknown reasons. She thinks she uses his job connections to handle the affair and money." Jessica said and Peter gave her a curious look,

"Okay....that sounds like a case of Helen and George's, but I thought you handled that." Peter said and Jessica rolled on the office chair to her file cabinet and pulled out a file,

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