Chapter 16: The Golden Guard

Start from the beginning

Hunter smiles, "I get it. And I think this is one burden I don't mind having. It's a way to kinda undo just a little bit of the damage Belos did. We've all had names, personalities, lives...and I'm going to find out how to give them back." He sets the cape on his desk. "Can I give you a hug?" Eda nods and Hunter hugs her , "Again...thanks. This is a pretty amazing gift."

She hands him the handkerchief, "Keep this with you, too. I know you can't probably tap into it, since it's mine, but it's something you can take to class, if you promise to be careful with it."

"I will be."

"Now...want to help me make snacks for when everybody else comes back from school?"

"Sure. I hope they had a good day," Hunter says.

"Oh, I'm sure they'll have stories, there's rarely a dull day at Hexside School of Magic and Demonics!"


Hunter helps Eda bring snacks to the table as they see the others walking up the path, laughing together. Eda notices him repeatedly looking out the window as they get closer.

She smiles, "Go on, meet 'em outside."

He sets down the plates and runs to the door, "Thanks Eda!"

Hunter flings open the front door, running toward his friends, "Hey! Welcome back!" They meet him in a giggling hug, everyone excited to share news about their day.

"Luz got in trouble today for telling a teacher that yes, glyphs do work in the human realm, and insisting that all she needs is access to Titan's blood, so she'll be set when she gets home," Gus says, "It didn't result in story time, but it did result in Luz showing off some combo glyph skills and one classroom's never going to be the same."

"Eh, Bump said they could handle it.," Luz says, "So it'll be fine."

Amity giggles, "I made several students jealous by telling them I've met Darius. It wasn't on purpose, but it's not like I can tell anybody about the time we've been gone without saying I spent a several hours honing some abomination skills so I wouldn't be behind and not answer when somebody says, 'who's your tutor? I thought your mom ran off and your dad's a hack' other than to tell them Dad's fine, but I was studying with Darius. Also, Skara says he's dreamy and started begging for an introduction."

"I mean, he is a good looking guy," Luz says, "Wouldn't say dreamy, but...."

Gus shrugs, "On appearances alone, I'd say Skara's not far off in her assessment." All eyes turn to Gus, "What? Objectively speaking, Darius is pretty."

Hunter laughs, "Yeah, I suppose you're right."

Willow giggles, "Now that we've all agreed that Darius is handsome, let's go find snacks – I'm hungry!"

"Same!" Gus says, "And I kinda want to change out of this uniform. Swishy pants are so much more my thing."

"I made you another pair!" Hunter says, excited, "And I finished Willow's dress."

"Well I guess I know what I'm trying on!" Gus says, grabbing his arm and dragging him to the house, "Comfy pants, here I come!" He runs to the bedroom to quickly change into his new trousers.

The friends tumble into the kitchen and Eda greets them with snacks and steaming mugs of tea, "How was your first day back, kids?"

"It was great!" Willow answered, "Luz showed up a teacher, I broke a plant, Gus confused several students, and Amity covered Boscha in goo. She also said she was learning abomination stuff from Darius, and now Skara wants an introduction because Darius is pretty."

Eda laughs, "Yeah, he is easy on the eyes. Not my type, but still. And good job causing chaos! How do you break a plant?"

"Well..." Willow starts, "Let's just say I'm not sure all plants should get so big they could try to eat students instead of bugs, but I ended up having to help a kid who accidentally made the carnivorous plant section a lot larger than it was before. We couldn't get them to shrink, so I had to convince them to eat sandwiches instead of us." She sighs, "But then one of them figured out that lettuce is just leaves and now we have cannibal carnivorous plants. It's gonna take some work to figure out how to undo that."

"Sounds like they might do best as compost," Camila says, walking into the room with Lilith and Steve. "We went out shopping today – there are some new school supplies in the bedroom."

Willow claps, giddy, "Ooo, I can't wait to see them!"

Amity nods, "Same. I didn't realize how worn out some of the stuff at the house is. And since the business fell through...let's just say it's been rough."

"Well we found things for everyone," Camila says, "So you're all welcome to take what you need back to your parents' houses tonight so you have it in the morning."

"Yeah, my dad does expect me back for dinner," Gus says, "He wants to hear all about our first day back. Which is fine and all, but I guess I miss all living together in the human realm a little. Kinda just want to stay here longer."

"Well you can't make your dad too mad, kiddo," Eda says, "or else he's not going to want to let you stay over other times. So watch the clock and get home when you're supposed to."

"I'll fly home with you," Willow says, "My dads want me back tonight, too."

Amity nods, "Same here. Ed and Em went straight home after school and Dad said I could only stay here for an hour or so."

"Well, then, I guess you need to eat your snacks, divvy up your school stuff, and get headed home. We don't want a bunch of angry dads storming the place. I don't think Hooty could fend them all off," Eda says, winking.

They laugh together and finish eating before hurrying to the bedroom to see what Camila, Lilith and Steve found for them. Hunter sits at his sewing desk and watches as they divide up the notebooks, pencils, and other items for class.

Gus waves him over, "Come on, there's stuff for you here, too."

"But I'm not going to school yet."

Camila enters the room and leans on the doorframe, "But you will be, and we wanted to make sure you're ready when the time comes. There's no harm in making sure you have all you need a little early."

Hunter walks over to the others and starts looking through the pile Gus has set aside for him, "Thanks. It's...kinda scary. But it also feels a little more real, having this all here."

"Just take some deep breaths and remember you've faced big challenges before and figured out what to do," Camila says, "School will be no different. You'll find your feet."

He smiles, "I suppose I'll have to, won't I?"

"You'll be fine," Amity reassures him, "And we'll be right here."

Hunter nods and takes his school supplies over to his desk, sorting things into the drawers, "Well until then, I'll put this stuff in here – can't lose it if it already has a place to be!"

After the school supplies are sorted, Willow, Gus, and Amity leave for home and Hunter settles in with Luz for a quiet evening. She has homework, he has the finishing touches to put on a skirt for Amity, and the Golden Guard cape sits on his desk, waiting for him. He takes the two little feathers from his sewing machine and sets them on the white fabric, placing a pretty stone Willow found on the thread so they won't fall on the floor with a breeze.

"Well, Flap...I didn't expect to see that ever again. If it's what Eda says it is, it'll have some of our memories in it, too. Maybe that's where I'll start when I can figure out how to tap into its magic." He pulls the box out from under the desk and retrieves the journal. Inside, there are letters he wrote to no one in particular, thoughts, and things he never had anyone else to tell. He turns to a fresh page and writes at the top of the page, "To Flapjack – all the things I wish I could say to you now, but never will." Under it, he starts writing a letter he knows he likely will never show to anyone, not even Willow.

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