~~~Next day~~~
Today's the day Y/N can start getting of the bed with help, ofc Marcy was there to help just in case. "Woo I can finally stand!" Y/N said excited, "With help!" Marcy added "Brought some friend's for you to meet and help they are from my Notopian Royal Guard!" Marcy said "Oh cool, what's their names?" Y/N questioned "There is Femur, Uhh Kettle and Javi, Warning Kettle is a firecracker." Marcy stated. Three figures walked into the room One big buff, another who is tall and slim, and the last one is really short a big green poofy hair. "Whoa cool, this is your team!?" Y/N said in an excited tone. "Yep! They all are strong, brave, and fast." Marcy stated as Javi gave a look like he knew, and he's was getting really cocky about it. "That. Is. Awesome. I would so join if I didn't brake both my legs and arm!" Y/N said in amazement. A little chuckle from Marcy wasn't audible for Y/N to here but a little blush crept on the front of her face, Kettle noticed and she shifted over to Marcy and kicked her in the shin to get her attention, "Do you like her?" Kettle whispered, Marcy crouched down to hear her better, "What do you mean, I don't have a crush on her your fibbing." Marcy said in the most obvious tone ever. "Marcy, I'm not dumb." Kettle nagged at her. "Fine you caught me, I've liked her for many years now..." Marcy finally told someone. "Tell her soon or you may never get the chance to again!" Kettle he'd no dating experience but she has a crush on someone in the room she feels like she's gonna tell soon."Well when do I tell her?" Marcy whispers. "Do it when she no longer has been hospitalized." Kettle whispers back. "Okay, I will.." Marcy spoke back in a whisper. Marcy finally was gonna tell the girl of her dreams that she likes her, how exciting it sounds but thoughts were racing in Mar-Mar's head, what if she doesn't like me back, or Will Y/N even want to be my friend after I tell her. These are the thoughts Marcy had but she was gonna do it anyway.

~~~Time skip Y/N is getting off the bed!~~~

"I'm getting off this bed RIGHT NOW!?" Y/N questioned, "Yep!" Marcy replied. "EEeeEeEEeE!" Y/N said while stimming, It was a big emotion for Y/N and to cope with that emotion she was constantly stimming.
It came to the time Y/N was gonna stand, Femur and Javi walked up to the bed and stood there waiting for instructions. "Omg this is so coooooool!!!" Y/N stated. Marcy instructed the two to pick up Y/N under her shoulder and she stood, until one of the guards hands slipped and Y/N face planted on the floor. Y/N lifted her head and her nose was bleeding, "Omg this brings back memories of when my mother would punch me in the face!" Y/N practically yelled. Everyone in the room starts looking at her, "Did I say that out loud...?" Y/N asked. "Let's ignore that, heh." Marcy said with a worried tone.

~~~Time skip (sorry if these are annoying)~~~

Y/N was laying on the bed with a bandage on her nose and humming to herself. Marcy was gone again but this time she's gonna be gone for a while, but King Andrias brought Y/N some books, Y/N was starting out the window from the third floor just enjoying the scenery of a beautiful kingdom, she silently wishes that this grand land will never die. She remembers the books sitting on the table, there were four of them, she picked up one and started reading.

An hour later Y/N was asleep, off in dream land dreaming about things. She was sitting at home in her room cutting herself, her mom barged in and was gonna yell at her for something but as her mother looked she walked closer to Y/N, the girl looked at her petrified, "Give me that!" Y/N's mom took the blade out of her 'daughters' hands. "I'll be taking this, if you self harm again, no food this week." Her Mother walked out. Y/N did not care she would have not eaten anyway, Y/N was not done sh, she walked over to her bag and pulled out a pencil sharpener, then she woke up. Y/N failed to realize that, that was a memory, not an ordinary dream. After that dream Y/N thought of cutting again her bag is on the table next to her she just opened it and took out a pencil sharpener, it took her ten minutes to get the blade, she didn't want anyone to see them so she cut her shoulders. Y/N failed to hear footsteps coming as she was so focused on cutting herself. Marcy walked through the doors and stopped in her track's, Y/N still did not notice. "Y/N!?" Marcy said.
Y/N's face turned hella white as she dropped the bloody blade on the floor. "No, no, no! Y/N WHY!?" Marcy rushed over to Y/N with tears in her eyes. "Why are you self harming!?" Marcy asked "I-i... Idk I guess I just needed to remind myself I'm not needed in the world..." Y/N confessed "What!? But people do care for you!" Marcy said. "Yeah? Name one person!" Y/N asked her eyes flashing (F/C) angrily. "ME! ANNE! SASHA!" Marcy yelled. "PROVE IT! PROVE THAT YOU CARE FOR ME!" Y/N yelled. Marcy thought for a second. "EXACT-" In the middle of what Y/N was about to say, Marcy smashed her lips against Y/N's. "I LOVE YOU, AND I WANNA GO OUT WITH YOU SO BAD!!" Marcy yelled, she covered her mouth when she realized what she said. Y/N stared at her for a second, Y/N thought about something for a second and then she kissed Marcy. "I love you too, I have sceinc-" Y/N was cut off by Marcy "Second grade?" Y/N looks at Marcy with shock "How?" Y/N looked confused. "While you were really high you said you wanted to date me and you loved me since second grade." Marcy explained. Y/N looked so embarrassed. "I'm still taking my word, Will you go out with me!?" Marcy asked really fast. Y/N kissed Marcy passionately, "Absolutely!" Y/N said as soon as they partied.

Marcy was gonna stay the night at the hospital just to be with her new girlfriend, she feels bad that she sleeps here alone every night. "You have to see the sun rise in the morning, it's so pretty from this view!" Y/N said really happy. "Not as pretty as you!" Marcy's cheesey comment made Y/N) Crimson red."Aww did I make you blush?" Marcy stated, (Y/N) got more red and looked away from Marcy with an angry face. Marcy chuckled at her partners childish actions.
(Y/N) and Marcy started to get tired and they decided to go to sleep. (Y/N) was dreaming again but it wasn't about her mother this time,
(Y/N) stood up and walked around this forest, the forest was so calm it had glowing plants, wicked looking trees, assorted mushrooms, and so much more. As (Y/N) wandered the forest someone appeared, the shape reminded her of someone, (Y/N) tried to chase after her but she was swallowed by darkness, at the bottom she saw a tower and in the tower she caught a glimpse of another shadow that looked similar to someone, again she fallowed the figure, as (Y/N) turned the corner to see who it was, she woke up, sweating, and gasping for air. (Y/N) looked out the window and saw it was morning, she looked at her girlfriend, and she was asleep. "Cute." (Y/N) thought.

Yerp you made it to the end! If you got this far without cringing, I FUCKING LOVE YOU!!!, Anyway made this in math class though it was funny, got my teacher to laugh.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Yerp you made it to the end! If you got this far without cringing, I FUCKING LOVE YOU!!!, Anyway made this in math class though it was funny, got my teacher to laugh

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The worst part is, my teacher knows who he is...

I wanna cry, but venting to people always ends up bad. Lol anyways see you tomorrow! :)
2127 words

Marcy x Transgender Fem reader  ||Amphibia||Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя