"Hey, Lightbulb!" A voice called to her. She glanced over at the OJ, who smiled kindly at her. She returned the smile and waved slightly. She didn't say anything. OJ frowned at her lack of response and sat next to her on the couch. "Are you alright?" She asked curiously.
Lightbulb nodded slowly, taking another sip of her drink. "I'm fine." She replied vaguely. He cocked an eyebrow. "You seem a little distracted today."

"How observant of you, OJ." She retorted dryly. He chuckled lightly. "Well, I've known you long enough to know that you usually don't act this distracted unless there's something on your mind. So what's up?" "Nothing." She replied quickly. OJ shrugged. "Did you three at least have fun? I mean, you brought them back alive. What did you guys do while you were out?" She looked up. "We went up the creek and found a waterfall. Then we played pirates." She replied nonchalantly. OJ nodded. "Sounds like fun." She looked up. "They found a pretty cool cavern. Lotsa gems. And weird statues. Like, real creepy ones." She neglected to mention the underground cathedral. OJ smiled. "Sounds like my kind of stuff. He stated casually.

Lightbulb nodded. She crossed her legs over, playing with her bracelets. She took another sip of her drink, hoping to drown her feelings of unease. OJ glanced around and noticed the bottle that was resting right next to Lightbulb's feet. "Hey, Lightbulb, are those all yours?" He pointed towards the empty bottles laying by the side of the couch. She glanced down at the two red bottles and nodded. "Yep," she said casually. "They're mine." OJ squinted his eyes at her suspiciously. "Why do you have all these?"

"Drinking. Duh." Lightbulb stated as if it were obvious. OJ narrowed his eyes further. He studied Lightbulb. She had a strange look in her eye. "You don't need any more than that right?" She snickered. "Of course not, silly." She took another sip, watching him carefully. "Besides, why wouldn't I need more?" "I dunno. It seems like you're running low." Lightbulb chuckled and shook her head. "Nah, not that low." She lied. She didn't want to bother him with that.

"Alright." He stood and walked away from her, leaving her alone. She frowned to herself. "Hey Pickle, Can I get a Coke and Rum? Please?" She requested. Pickle, the bartender, nodded in return. "Coming right up!" She smiled to herself and leaned against the couch, relaxing. She sighed happily and closed her eyes, letting the music and chatter of the room wash over her.

She didn't notice when the drinks came. She was too deep in thought. She wasn't really thinking about anything else. Her thoughts floated to the paintings. Was she forgetting something important? Was it because of the painting? Maybe she was losing her memories. She shook her head. That couldn't be possible. She remembered everything that happened before she went down to the caves.

She grabbed the drink and downed it in one gulp, then set the glass down and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. She ordered more alcohol, downing each drink. She lived here, anyways. She knew how to handle her alcohol. "Lightbulb, Stop." Pickle piped up. She ignored him and continued drinking. "Dude, You've had enough to drink. I'm cutting you off."

"Nooo!" She whined. "Pickle, please~" She groaned. She looked over at him with pleading eyes. He raised an eyebrow at her. "No. I'm stupid, but not THAT stupid. Puppy-dog eyes don't work on me. He informed her. She pouted. "But-" "No, Lightbulb." He interrupted. "You can drink, but only once in a while." She glared at him and scoffed. "That doesn't make sense, you idiot!" He gave her a stern look. "Look, Lightbulb, I am not telling you again! I'm not about to get blamed if you get liver poisoning. I've already served you four drinks, and you had two beers from the cooler, and you still haven't stopped."

Lightbulb pouted and drank another sip of her drink, glaring at him. She felt her face burn. He was right. "Fineeee, okay." She grumbled and slumped back onto the couch. She was starting to feel dizzy. Her head was spinning and her vision was blurry. Maybe she could use one more shot. She finished the rest of the beer and pushed it aside. She picked up her drink, staring intently into the amber liquid. She put the drink to her lips but hesitated before taking it into her mouth. She lowered the glass, staring at her reflection in it.

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