They walked into the woods, the two boys leading the way. She knew where the waterfall was, but she liked to let them lead her. The trees surrounded them and it felt so peaceful. There were butterflies everywhere, flapping their wings lazily, resting against each other, and floating in the air. It was the most peaceful place she's ever seen. She had never really gone to this place before.

As soon as they arrived at the waterfall, the Cherries dropped their bags and ran ahead, taking off their shoes and jumping into the creek. Lightbulb followed them. They dove underwater, resurfacing from the other side, swimming over to where she was standing. She laughed, splashing water at them and chasing them. "Get back here!" She yelled.

They giggled, ducking under the water, trying to avoid the splash attack. The sound of the small falls rushed behind her back, creating white noise and relaxing her tense body. Lightbulb smiled, sitting down near the stream of water. "Do you like it? It's pretty nice isn't it?" She heard one of them say. Lightbulb nodded, leaning backward. "Yeah." She replied

The twins laughed, splashing one another playfully. They started splashing Lightbulb, who jumped up and ran away, giggling uncontrollably. The Cherries chased her, laughing loudly. They chased her around until she came to a halt, laying panting on the ground. They sat down next to her, laughing uncontrollably. Lightbulb smiled at the sight of them laughing. She loved the sound of their laughter. It was so pure and innocent, unlike how loud and obnoxious the rest of her friends could be. It reminded her of when she was a child, when she was happy. When things weren't so complicated.

Suddenly, she heard someone calling her name. She looked up to find the two cherries standing in front of her. "Lightbulb! We found something super duper cool!" "Huh?" She questioned in confusion. "What is it?" "Follow us!" They grinned and grabbed her arm, pulling her into the water. They swam towards the bottom of the waterfall, stopping suddenly. "Here you go!" Lightbulb looked confused. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" She asked hesitantly.

"Of course we're sure! C'mon!" They shouted. Lightbulb sighed. It wasn't like she had anything better to do anyway. She climbed up onto their shoulders, and they carried her the rest of the way down. She looked around as they entered the water. Water cascaded all around them, soaking them to the bone instantly.

"Over here! Through the waterfall!" They took a running start and lept into it. Lightbulb was forced to hold on tightly as they fell through the water. She screamed as they flew through the watery curtain, landing at the entrance of the cave.

"Holy shit..." She breathed out. The cave was breathtaking. The waterfall was only meters away. It was so quiet. So serene. Her heart raced as she took in her surroundings. It was beautiful. She felt safe here. She couldn't believe she'd be able to stay here forever and not get caught! What was happening!?

The Cherries got up, shaking their heads and running further into the cave. "C'mon! I bet there's treasure in there! Let's check it out!" The twins shouted excitedly, following closely behind them. Lightbulb shook her head, getting up and walking through the water, entering deeper into the cave. She gazed into every corner. She noticed they were heading into the center, where a large opening was. They stopped walking, staring ahead in awe. Wow..." she whispered. Lightbulb turned around and saw that they were staring into a huge cavern. It seemed like the whole cavern was made of stone. A massive rock formation stood in the middle, forming a dome-like structure.

The Cherries stared intently in disbelief. "Whoa..." they mumbled, gazing into the enormous cavern. Lightbulb felt a smile growing on her lips. This was amazing! She walked forward, admiring the beauty surrounding her. There were various gems embedded into the walls and ceilings of the room. Some glimmered beautifully in the sunlight that was streaming down from above. Other gemstones glittered in all different colors.

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