Trouble at the Market

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I spot a tall, middle-aged woman waving around a black cloak. "Warm, thick, and perfect for the winter! You'll never catch a cold in this! It's just three silver coins!"

I approach her and say, "Excuse me."

She stops her yelling and glances down at me, giving me a welcoming smile. "Hello, how can I help you, dear?"

I shift on my feet. "I'm searching for some cloth."

"Of course. What type of cloths do you need?"

I open my mouth but hesitate. I glance to the side and see other customers around. My cheeks flame in embarrassment. I hate this situation.

"Ah, that type of cloth," the woman says, nodding and giving me a small smile of understanding, "Wait here for a moment."

She leaves me standing. In the meantime, I browse.

I see a cloak that looks similar to mine and walk towards it. Touching it, I realize it's made out of the same fabric as mine. And not only that, it's the same color. Is this where Geralt procured my cloak?

Flipping the price tag, I choke on my own spit. Did Geralt really buy me this? He's crazy! Why spend so much money on a cloak?


I jump, before realizing that it's the woman behind me, holding some black-colored cloth in her hand.

"I don't have something specially made for what you need, but these are leftovers fabric pieces which you can use." She places them in my hands, and sensing my unease, she says, "Is it your first time?"

She tilts her head as she gazes down at me, almost in concern.

I nod.

"Did your mother explain everything?"

My grip on the fabric tightens. "I don't have a mother, but someone explained it to me." I change the topic before she asks me anymore questions. "Can I offer you this ring?"

I show her the ring, and immediately, she waves it off. "Take it. I won't charge you for some leftover pieces when I know how much you need it."

I falter at the kindness of this woman. Does she have any ill intentions? I shake myself mentally. Get a grip. Some people are kind.

I nod my thanks and bid her goodbye.

I make my way back to Cobalt, who I have tied to a tree in the forest. I exit the market and head to the woods, glad I am done with this. I hope that Geralt and the others haven't noticed my absence yet. I will be home in an hour, and no one will ever have to know what happened today.

I step over some branches and listen to the sounds. I put Cobalt right next to a river, so I could easily find him again.

I hear the slight trickle of water from the river to my right and go in that direction. 

Besides the trickle of water, the forest is pretty quiet. Almost too quiet. Has it always been this silent?  I wonder where the birds have gone. Even the wind seems to have taken a break.

A loud neigh breaks the calm, and I identify it quickly- it's Cobalt. I start running into his direction when I hear some people speaking.

As I near them, I see two men around Cobalt, where one is undoing the knot I made around the tree.

"He better be distracting that woman before she gets here," I hear one say to the other.

I don't stop sprinting until they hear the crackle of twigs breaking under my feet. "Hey! That's my horse!"

They both snap their heads towards me, and only then, do I realize how stupid it was to confront them. 

They both look like lumberjacks- with bulky forms and strong arms. One has a scruffy black beard, while the other is clean-shaven and bald with blue eyes.

The bald one takes a look at me before he bursts out laughing. "That's the woman? I didn't realize it was a child!" The bearded man starts laughing with him.

I take a look around, trying to find some sort of weapon I could use to defend myself and take back Cobalt. Lambert would never forgive me if I lost him, nor could I forgive myself.

The best weapon I can find is a sturdy branch and a solid rock. What I could really use, though, is the knife hidden in a pouch tied to Cobalt's saddle, but there is no way I can get to that, so I pick the branch and the rock up and stand in a defensive position.

"What are you doing, girl? Do you think you can fight us with that?" The bearded one asks me before bursting out laughing again.

I need to make some sort of distraction and get away. At least Cobalt seems to be on the same page as I am, as he is trying to pull away from them, but they are holding him tight.

"Dad! I lost the girl!" I hear a voice from the right and see the bushy-haired kid again, climbing over a fallen tree to get to us. Johan? He's with them?

"I can tell. You can't ever do something right, can you? You had one job! Just the one- distract her, and-"

This is the perfect distraction. I throw the rock with all my strength at the bald man, hitting him straight in the head.

He curses, drops to the ground, but best of all- lets go of Cobalt- to hold his head.

I run at the bearded one, trying to hit him between his legs with my branch.

He jumps out of the way just in time, so I end up hit his waist. He bares his teeth at me. "What do you think you're doing?"

I don't stop- I launch another attack on him.

I manage to hit him another two times- once his neck and another his leg- before he rips the branch out of my hand and snaps it in half.

Uh oh.

I'm screwed.

He grins at me. "You're going to pay for-"

He never managed to finish his sentence, because Cobalt kicks him in the back, throwing him to the ground and manages to run over him. The man is screaming in pain. 

I begin to sprint after Cobalt, hoping he will wait for me. 

"Cobalt! Cobalt!" I yell at him. He slows down, and my fingers are inches from the reigns. I stretch my arm and pump my legs to get closer to him. Just- a little- more- and-!

I hit the ground.

Someone has tackled me to the ground, grabs my wrists, and digs their knee into my back.

"Let me go!" I yell at them, struggling.

"No way. My dad will be proud of me for catching you."

I push my head up to see Cobalt running even faster than before, probably spooked because of Johan.

"Cobalt! Go! Go home!" I screech, hoping he can somehow understand me. "Get help!"

Johan starts chuckling.

"No one can help you, especially after your horse killed my uncle. I would start praying to whatever god you believe in, because my Dad won't be merciful." He growls in my ear.

And at his last words, my stomach begins to cramp again.

I exhale deeply. Fantastic.

To Trust a WitcherTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang