Katsumi as your brother

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~ Like him you were adopted by Doppo Orochi

~ He wasn't sure on how he felt at first but after some time he grew to love you

~ When you had your first day of school he was crying a bit but he said it was dust

~ When you went home you saw him waiting for you at the gate with some boba in hand

~ You do karate too

~ Surprising thing is that you're pretty go at it for a rookie

~ Katsumi has always and will always be your sparring partner

~ If you got bullied he would threaten your bullies and they would never come near you

~ He will make jokes all the time no matter what

~ You know all of his friends on a first name basis

~ Same goes for his class

~ When the prisioners came to tokyo he had serval shin-shin kai stdents keep an eye on you

~ Sadlyy that didn't help because Doyle had a little fight with you

~ Luckily he drink respect women juice and so you got back to your brother with some scratches

~ He almost died from shock when you told him

~ But you then made some jokes to cheer him up

~ It works so you both always make jokes and things like that to cheer each other up always

~ When he does push ups he hads you sit on his back while he does them and you count

~ The two of you are either idiots or super serious no in between

~ You have been the reason for a safety brieft at the Shin-Shin kai dojo with Katsume giving out the brief

~ Doppo doesn't understand what is going on in your brains

~ It's almost like 99.99% of the time you two are together you both share the one brain cell but you two can also be super serious

~ You cook a lot so you sometimes make large dinners for the family

~ Sibling bonding time once a week

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2023 ⏰

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