Level Two: The Bazaar

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The five of them made their way through the market, there was a lot of people, going about their business and not paying them any attention.

"What are we supposed to be doing?" Fridge looked at the group.

"Looking for the missing piece of the map." Martha looked at Fridge.

"I don't think it's a piece of the map." Y/N glanced back at them.

"Can you be quiet for two seconds?" Bethany turned to her.

"Remind me not to tell you anything I noticed before you guys." Y/N rolled her eyes.

"So we just start asking for it?" Fridge turned to Martha.

"No, I just think we look around, we scope the place out, but most importantly, guys..be discreet." Spencer looked at them.

"Where's Y/N?" Martha looked around confused as to how said girl had vanished without them noticing.

"Who knows?" Spencer turned to Martha.

"More importantly, who cares?" Bethany shrugged.

"Rations! Get your rations!" A man from a stall looked around.

"Does anyone have like any money? I'm starving." Bethany jogged over to the man with Martha.

"Guys, I think the game is trying to tell us to keep our health up. We need to eat." Spencer smoldered.

"Okay, stop doing that." Fridge glared at Spencer.

"This is so good. I haven't had bread since I was, like 9." Bethany shoved a bite into her mouth.

"Are you serious?" Martha turned to Bethany.

"How do you think I got these abs?" Bethany looked at Martha.

"Let me try some of that." Fridge walked over taking a bite.

"Wait what..What is this?" Fridge looked at the man.

"That's my famous pound cake." The man smiled.

"Cake?" Martha looked at Fridge alarmed.

"Bethany, you said this was bread." Fridge turned to Bethany sharply.

"I guess it's been so long, I forgot what it tastes like." Bethany looked at Fridge wide eyed.

"How do you forget what..? What's happening? Something happening to me? Am I shaking? Am I breaking out? Am I still black?" Fridge looked at Martha who shook her head.

"Yes." Martha answered the last question.

"Okay. Okay, right? We're fine. Everything is fine. Yeah, no, no, no, it's okay. It probably just meant that I love cake. That I couldn't resist it. Yeah. Hey it's all good.." Fridge walked over to Spencer when he suddenly exploded.

* With Y/N *

Y/N had gone further ahead, to make sure none of Van Pelt's men were nearby. They couldn't afford to waste their lives.

Y/N glanced up hearing an explosion and people shouting, she grabbed two knives and flipped them in her hands skillfully. A chime sounded from the air making her groan in annoyance as she headed back the way she'd come.

"I'm gone for less than five minutes and you're already wasting your limited lives." Y/N looked at Fridge.

"Where the hell did you come from?!" Fridge turned to her startled by her voice.

"Dr Bravestone. Thank goodness you're here. Jumanji needs you." A kid ran over to them.

"Uh, thanks. Good to be here." Spencer looked at the kid unsure.

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