Start from the beginning

Y/N: "...So, umm... you said this things name is Charles?"

Eugene looks at you for a moment.

Eugene: "Yessir, they call him Charles. Half train, half giga-spider from hell. We've been planning his demise for some time now and have nearly everything in order. Just a few people to meet and places to see; simple errands, you know."

He chuckles a bit, and you made an awkward laugh, man, it's been almost years now since you've seen Eugene, now you two are both going on some monster hunting trip.

This will be a crazy day today.

You look behind you and you'd see a dock, coming from the fog.

Y/N: "Hey, is this it?"

E: "Yessir, it is! Welcome to Aranearum; the island where miners dig their own graves."

The both of you exit out of the boat, walking on top of the dock, planks creaking on your every step.

..geez, was it always this foggy?

E: "C'mon! We gotta get movin' and stay close. Charles isn't the only thing to fear here."

Y/N: "What do you mean?"

E: "Rest of the others on this island will tell ya'."

You huffed and follow after Eugene, stopping in front of a wall with a door on it.

E: "Before we go through this door, there's a train shed all the way at the top of this hill. One'a the train operators was killed early on by Charles himself, leavin' his old engine there."

Y/N: "Oh.. umm, sorry to hear that they died."

Eugene frowned and let out a sigh.

E: "Yeah.. real shame. If we can get to it, it could be an indispensable tool on our journey!"

Y/N: "Alright then, lets get straight to it!"

You try to open the door, but Eugene grabs your hand. You look at him in confusion.

E: "Hold your horses there, partner, you'd need to stay close to me. We don't wanna be out here for too long."

Y/N: "Oh, yea, sorry-"

Eugene opens the door, grabs your wrist and runs up the hill.

You were slightly taken aback about how fast he was, you thought it was just only for a mere second once you both finally arrive at the train shed.

Eugene fiddles with the doorknob for a bit, now finally realizing that it's locked.

E: "Aw, shit, it's locked."

Y/N: "There could be another way in right?"

E: "Oh yeah, theres a shed up the path that could have a key inside."

Eugene digs in his pocket and pulls out a map, it looked very old, but the details of the land was very high.

He writes something on the map and gives it to you.

Let's Paint The Rails Red <3 [Charles x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now