Leo was frustrated, fear was being hid by that frustration. Y/n thought about his words, how it was her fault, how she knew this would happen, how she saw this coming. Donnie and Mikey mumbled to each other on how without any powers they didn't have a plan, in other words they are completely useless. April set a hand on Y/n' shoulder, lucky for her, April always kept extra bandaids in her backpack considering she was always the more chaotic type of person. Dabbing off the access blood, April three the alcohol wipes to the ground and began to wrap her friend's arm, including her own into thin bandage wraps.
   The two girls stood in silence, not daring to speak another word as if they got into an argument. But they were humans after all, before even meeting the turtle's their life was completely normal, and still, after all these years they still couldn't handle as much grief as the turtles went through. But they loved them to the core. Hugging Y/n tightly, April let her go and stayed behind to deal with the key.

   Somewhere in the cargo ship, Raphael was fighting for his life. The tight and sharp pains through is body was enough to make a strong mutant, weak. "Now, where have they taken my key?" The sister Krang stood next to the leader, her tentacles ready to be wrapped around Raph's neck. "It won't tell you anything. Let me kill it!" The sister smiled down at Raphael, who was pulling against his slimy and sticky restraints. "Lady brain face is right. I'm not telling you jack shit!" The leader growled, before his frown turned into a smirk. "I almost got you and that little bitch—"


   The leader towered over Raphael, His eyes holding no emotion from his outburst. He knew what he was doing, breaking him down one by one, until he falls under their control. "Where. Is. The Key?" The leader wrapped his tendril around the turtle's neck, tightening his grip with every word he spoke. "I'm. Not. Telling you. Shit." Raph mocked, meeting the same glare the Krang was giving off. "You don't have to tell me. I'll look myself." The leader laughed, lifting up his tendrils and shooting them into the mutants body causing him to scream in agony. The Krang removed his tendrils, setting them back down onto the floor. "There it is.. They always do it the hard way." Turning away from the mutant, Krang faced the Foot clan who were gazing up at him in awe.
   "Our brother and I will secure a location for the dimensional doorway. Take these soldiers and receive me my key." The scrawny leader if the Foot clan bowed, raising his head to meet the deadly gaze of the brain like creature. "We live to serve." The Krang leader pushed the two aside, "You will serve me whether you live or not." The Krang leader struck out his tendrils and pierced them through the skin of the Foot brute and lieutenant. Their eyes popping out of their skulls, flesh molding and being torn in half. Raph fell victim into watching the scene unfold, like a horror movie, it was traumatizing even for him as an adult teen.

"What is this thing?" Casey asked in complete awe, his eyes scanning over the Turtle Tank's insides. "I guess you never had the chance to see advanced technology like this." Y/n responded, Casey looked down at her, his eyes scanning over her young features. "It's weird, y'know? I've only gotten to see you guys when you were older. But, Master Leonardo was right—" His hand reached out to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear before slowly sliding down her face to rest onto her shoulder. "You are really pretty."

   "Casey, I loved Y/n with every inch of my being." A young teen, Casey crawled next to the large turtle, dusting off all the bits and pieces of rocks that stuck to his hands. They finally had a chance to catch a break. Casey held a nine year old Juno onto his lap, holding her still enough to allow her to fall asleep from Master Leonardo's story on what he liked to call, 'The love of his life'.
Casey scrunched up his nose, cringing at the fact that his Master was once again ranting on about Y/n. He's met her, and she was kind as she was beautiful. "When we were younger, I had the biggest crush on her, y'know?" Casey looked up at his Master, who was holding a singular picture of Y/n. "She meant the entire universe to me, to us. Who knew that the only way me and my brothers would get along would be over her? Who could blame them, though? She was as if light itself was a person, so passionate yet so very gentle with us."

"Specifically towards me but, y'know... I tried to keep my bad boy image." The sudden voice caused the three to jump. Turning their attention towards whoever it was, the kids watched as Donatello took a seat right next to Leo, leaning in to look at the photo. "Alas, my twin brother. No other force of nature, from the most beautiful flowers to the clearest of waters, can compare to her beauty." Leo rolled his eyes, nudging his brother in a teasing manner. "As lame as your poetry gets, you're right."

Does that mean, Leo loved...? Y/n held Casey's hand, squeezing it lightly. The black haired teen pulled her into a tight hug, just as he remembered. "I'm sorry, but—" "No butts, no nuts, no coconuts Casey Jones." Y/n interrupted, loosening her grip on the black haired teen to take her seat next to Mikey.
Casey shook his head in disbelief before snapping back into reality. "Uhm, anyway. What is this thing?" Mikey turned his head to face the teen with a smile, "The Turtle Tank, baby! It's how we roll in the past. I mean, the present. I mean... Oh. Time travel's confusing." Donnie flipped off the cover of his gear watch, calculating the coordinations of Raph's location. "They're on the move. According to the subcutaneous tracker I put on Raph—"

"Wait, does that mean you put trackers on all of us?" Leo asked, which caused the group to stare at Donnie who squirmed in his seat. The soft shell tortoise noticed how Y/n was staring at him with her eyebrow raised, a sudden feeling of regret was at the pit of his stomach. "No? No... Of course I did... n't. Anyway! Based on their trajectory, they're headed..." Typing away on the keyboard, a holographic map of New York popped up in front of them. "To the tallest building in the city..." Casey mumbled loud enough for the rest to hear.
   Donnie grumbled under his breath about Casey interrupting his 'bad boy' image moment. "I heard the story so many times as a kid, but I never thought..... "And behold, from their perch atop New York City. The Krang ripped open the sky itself. What came out was terror And what rained down upon us was worse than..." "Death." Casey and Y/n once again glanced at each other, Jr. as shocked as the rest were. "I remember hearing about it in one of my visions when, Cassandra..." Casey frowned further, Y/n stopped her sentence and apologized quickly.

   Mikey looked at the two in shock. "They told that to kids?! Man, the future is harsh..."

   Meanwhile in Metro Tower, the people began to hear loud banging, concerned muttering travelled across the waves of the confused audience. Shrugging it off, a second later the Krang mass burst through the floors and windows, some bursting through the elevator shaft as well. The Krang siblings emerged from the shadows to make their move. "Prepare to site so we may bring forth the Technodrome." I guess in this generation, the bad guys win, and the good guys lose.
   Without a second command, the Krang sister and brother began to spread their infection all throughout the building. The sounds of the humans screaming was like music to the alien's ears.

   What a way to die, huh?

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