chapter 4 - it's a reunion..?

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(nobodies pov) (small explanation, funyun is a tbp cat oc my friends made and lauren is also an oc and so tw! abuse, and abandonment..?) funyun being a baby kitty when lauren went missing, that's where their suffering started. lauren at first was the one dealing with the abuse bc she was older, funyun was a baby so she protected funyun, until she was 14-15 hearing about her friend's disappearance so she left without her and funyun's parents knowing, she even left all of her stuff in funyun's little baby bag. she only took the clothes that were too big and that fit her in her backpack. funyun who thought she'd come back would wait in her room, for hours and hours. every time the phone rang, or someone rang the doorbell, funyun ran to the phone or the door and opened it thinking it was lauren, but no, it was either the mailman or one of their parents friends. after a year passed and no contact from lauren, funyun was forced to accept that their older sister was probably dead. funyun then dealt with the abuse that went on through their childhood. funyun then ran away and found bruce and was adopted by bruce until.. one day, funyun was sitting at the dinner table with the ghost boys and finney (and the other pets) and they all heard a knock at the door, bruce got up to go answer it, bruce answered it and it was a girl maybe in her early 20's, asking where funyun was but she didn't say funyun, she said ellie. "excuse me..? who are you looking for..?" "i'm looking for my.. younger sister, she's a small cat. uh.. her name was.. ellie." "hm.. are you talking about this cat..?" bruce signaled funyun to come to him so funyun did and he saw lauren. "ellie..! i'm so glad you're okay!" funyun was scared and jumped into bruce's arms as lauren tried to reach for them. "hey, it's okay. i think this is your sister, funyun." "funyun..? you changed her name..?" "yes, i changed their name. they felt uncomfortable using their deadname so they like being called funyun." "i see.. well, it's nice to see you again, funyun.." lauren looked like she was about to cry. "does..funyun" "yeah.. it's me.. lauren." " as in.. lauren hoff..ster..?" "yeah.. it's me.." funyun jumped into lauren's arms, and they both started crying. "i'm so happy to see you again.." "funyun.. happy too.." "sorry for interrupting your dinner. i can go.." "no..! funyun want lauren.. to stay. if bruce says yes..!" bruce nods and goes back to the table to go sit down. funyun jumped out from lauren's arms and walked her to his seat but of course, funyun shut the front door and let lauren sit next to him. "who's the weird girl?" "oh, right. funyun, go ahead." "this.. funyun's big.. sister! lauren hoff..ster.. funyun not know if you're a hoff..ster any more.." "ah.. no, i'm not. i'm actually.. lauren cosmier.." "oh.. okay..! wait.. you're married..?!" "yeah. i am.. but i'll explain later, alright?" funyun nodded, so the dinner/reunion ended with tons of questions but funyun was happy to see their older sister but didn't find out where she was found but found out that she worked for the wondercult band that finney was in, which kinda upset funyun but funyun had to be happy for their sister, no matter what were to happen. (584 words! see you next chapter!)

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