Seven Minutes In Heaven (Ranatsu)

Start from the beginning

  His eyes felt heavy, so he only looked at the floor in front of him. The colors were hurting his eyes badly, giving him a headache. He wished desperately for a lovely green to stare at. He closed his eyes tightly, loud music becoming warped and melted into one big conglomeration of obnoxious and painful music that made Atsushi want to remove his ears in the most painful way possible. He sniffled, eyes watering. He didn't know why he showed up. Everything was ruined; he looked too much. The music becomes blurry, and he wonders if he might pass out. At least passing out would give him an escape from the noise. Atsushi took a deep breath and stood up quickly, shaking intensely. He heard a loud laugh that distracted him from the music, which was still blurry. His eyes trailed over to the laugh, and he sees it's coming from Ranpo, who was talking to another person. For the first time that Atsushi had seen, Ranpo's eyes were open. And they were the prettiest green he'd ever seen. Atsushi smiled weakly, then resumed a normal face, eyelids fluttering when his eyes met Ranpo's. Why does he seem so panicked, he wondered, as Ranpo began to run over. Atsushi never knew what for; he passed out, nearly hitting the ground before he could know.

  Once Atsushi awoke, he heard blurry music yet again. However, the music wasn't blurry by anything regarding Atsushi's brain. Rather, there was something blocking it from being clear. He was laid down on a bed, he realized. He noticed that the mattress was a very nice level of squish, not too hard or too soft. It was comfortable and perfect, unlike his own. He almost wanted to close his eyes and sink into the mattress to sleep comfortably for hours. He slowly sits up, rubbing his aching head. His eyes water from the pain. This room was Ranpo's; the room from before. But his arms didn't itch, because it seemed to have been cleaned up in the time he'd been passed out, which wasn't too long, he guessed. Much to his preference, instead of the mess laying on the floor, a chair was placed on the floor beside the bed, and Ranpo sat in it, watching Atsushi intently with half lidded eyes. Atsushi's heart tried to claw its way out of his chest, and Atsushi's eyes widened. He looks away quickly, feeling anxious beneath his gaze. "D.. did I pass out?" Atsushi managed to ask weakly.

  "You did." Ranpo sighed softly and grabbed a glass of water beside the bed, as well as two pills. "These are for headaches. You're gonna need them." He holds him out in his direction, and Atsushi nervously looks back at him. He didn't see the glass of water before, when the room was itchy, so knew it was clean. He nervously took it in his trembly hands. Ranpo still held it. Atsushi's hand tried to hold the side, but his fingers couldn't grip it properly. His hands struggled to find a way to hold it. Atsushi was anxious, nervous that Ranpo might get upset that he was taking so long to take the cup. But, Ranpo was just looking at him, with those pretty green eyes. Atsushi managed to take the cup, and the pills, drinking them down his throat. He inhaled the water, as well, feeling like it cleaned his mouth, throat, and body; he was dehydrated. Ranpo sighed softly. "Why did you stand up? You knew you were close to passing out."

  Atsushi blinked, surprised Ranpo had known such a thing. But then, he supposed it wasn't a surprise. Ranpo was so smart, and Atsushi felt like the exact opposite. "..I.. thought that if I passed out, I wouldn't have to listen to blurry music." He murmured softly, looking at the now empty cup that had a couple drops of water at the bottom, the kind where you can flip the glass upside down, drink the drops, but when you put the glass right side up in your hand, there'll still always be some at the bottom. "Or see bright colors." He sighed softly, eyes watering again at the thought. Atsushi felt an unfamiliar warm sensation against his cheek. His eyes widened slightly as he realized Ranpo had reached over to cup his cheek. He carefully turned Atsushi's head to face him. Atsushi had noticed Ranpo was keeping his eyes open around him. As he looked into the senior's eyes, he felt tired, in a relaxed way. He felt calm and at peace. "..." Atsushi then realized that Ranpo was cupping his cheek still, and Atsushi's face went a bright red. He couldn't look away, however, because he felt so safe in the warmth of Ranpo's eyes. Ranpo only smiled a little, and didn't need to hold his face still, but he wanted to.

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