Chapter 6

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I apologize y'all may flame My Lil, black ass in the comments 🫡


It's been 2 weeks since I talked with Y/n and we got everything finally situated and it happened the same day of the change event Aka the one events

Y/n and maya hated more than the world itself. Why did they hate it? You may ask. Because. In her words " them bitches never know how to keep the fucking mouth shut and mind the business "
Well they're not wrong

But I shouldn't encourage that behavior as theirs teacher, but I'm not teaching Y/n so she can say whatever the fuck she wants

She also met Yuji while he was "dead" and her words she said he was a brainless idiot who can't keep it in his pants but he's funny so she guess she likes him because if she thinks someone's funny

She likes them , that's her way of saying you're 'OK I guess in my book ' without saying it, mostly because she hates saying she actually likes interacting with people

And is she also going to kill me for shoving her in the box with Yuji maybe but at the same time , she can't be that mad

I said in my head letting my mind run wrap it before zoning back in to feel Y/n kicking the box like a maniac " GET ME THE FUCK OUT SATORU OR I SWEAR TO THE LORD , U WILL MEET HIM " She said pissed off that she had been in a box for the last 2 hours

Did she also maybe have to use the bathroom? Yes did I completely forget and leave her outside while I went to go get some gifts and knickknacks for the change event yes

" OK OK you're about to get out soon. Just shut the fuck up for like two more minutes " I whispered to the box as I slap the top of it, pushing it over to the kids

" HELLO EVERYONE~ SORRY IM LATE~ " I hummed skipping over to them while they casually talk shit about me

" when are you ever not Nigga" maya said rolling, her eyes, taking her arm off of Maki and kicking the box " the fuck is in here " she said, annoyed

" a surprise for everyone now stop it you hooligan, " I said giving the Kyoto school kids small dolls and the knickknacks I gave them taking the chance,

To harassing Utahime by tell her I didn't get her anything , which I didn't but at the same time I knew she wouldn't want one

Then I finally turned my students and everyone else in  jujutsu tech smiling ear to ear they might beat me up for this present, but at the same time they're gonna love it

" and here's your amazing beautiful, immaculate gift that you're all gonna love you so much " I said smiling buttering them up first I got used to doing that with Maya

Buttering them up first, so they won't hit you and I did this with Y/n a lot too so you could say I'm a pro

I wheeled the box over and leaving it in front of them before tapping the top making Yuji jump up arms out with a warm, inviting smile

Everyone was shocked just standing there completely utterly confused. Surprise freaking all of it at least that's what I guess.

I'm not really sensing any emotions from the group at the moment, but then again, they could be just so wowed at my amazing

" What the fuck u idiot we thought you were dead " norabara started before Yuji was pushed out of the box

His words / inumaki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now