Hello there, lovers!

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Hello there, my dear darling readers! Strange to see an update for this story, yes? Well, you would be very correct in that regard.

Recently I was contacted by a very lovely user [ @al3xxcatt ] for a request to translate this story into Spanish, and of course, I agreed. Actually, I more than agreed to the request, I straight up handed over this story over to the user to be rewritten/finished.

Now, this is ultimately Alexx's decision whether or not they actually want to rewrite the story from scratch or simply just make a translation of the piece, but I wanted to make everyone aware of my decision in the hopes that all of you will support this author- because really, what's the point of sharing fanfiction on the internet if not to be a part of a community?

Handing this story over to someone who's actually passionate to improve upon it is actually a relief to me. I'm aware that this story is flawed in its writing, and it was actually my intention to delete it for a really long time- especially seeing as how I no longer want anything to do with the anime community AND the fact that my current works are far better written than this. The only thing that really kept me from deleting this was the number of people I saw reading on this and interacting with each other in the comments.

I didn't want to be the person to take that safe place away from them, especially knowing that most of the users reading this are probably around 13 years old and [probably] are also queer, or at the very least, questioning their sexual identity.

So, without further to do, please go check out the new author's page to follow up on updates for not only the Spanish-translated version but also the updated version of this story. I will leave this booklet up for 12 or so months- just so everyone has enough time to hear the news before ultimately deleting this story.

With love,


Bạn đã đọc hết các phần đã được đăng tải.

⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jan 19, 2023 ⏰

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