Hugs-How he hugs and when.
✩ Ao'nung sees hugs and cuddles as an incredibly intimate thing and so its something he would only do in private or when no eyes are on you two.It is also sometime he likes to do often, he can't spend a day without getting to hug you at least once.
✩ His hugs are always tight, warm and unbelievably comfortable.Most often he will sneak up behind and hug you, placing his head in the crook of your neck and placing a small kiss upon your neck.
✩ Sometimes he gets excited and picks you up and swirls you around, always enjoys the surprised screams you let out each time.

Ilu-Why Ao'nung specifically asks you to ride with him even when you have your own Ilu.
✩ He will never tell you the truth, never but he likes when you hold his waist so tightly.
✩He will specifically go faster just so you have to hold onto him even tighter, he doesn't mean any of this in a wrong way he's just extremely touch starved

Jealousy-Does he get Jealous often?
✩ He likes to tell people he doesn't, that he is a totally calm and mature person but he really isn't.He isn't obsessive but if he notices you're giving some random man more attention than him then he's jealous.
✩ When he is jealous it can go through two different ways:
Ignoring: He won't flat out ignore you but he will be slightly dismissive and it is something he is working on so please give him time.He tends to try give you the silent treatment and often ends very quickly when you threaten to go back home.
Whining:Its not something he is proud of but he can become desperate and will practically whine about how he misses you even though you are right beside him.
✩Make sure to give him loads of kisses and hugs and he'll practically forget he was jealous in the first place.
✩He will also forever hate the person who got too close to you for his liking

Kiss-How he kisses you.
✩ This goes without saying but he is incredibly passionate about it, He can sometimes be rough when he is really just trying to show you have much he loves you, so please just lead him into a gentle kiss.When kissing he likes to hold you tightly in his arms, caging you in.
✩ He can also be really gentle!,Often he will gently hold you face and pull you into him slowly.A small smile plastered onto his face as he does so.He just can't get enough.

Lucky-Why he feels so incredibly lucky.
✩Ao'nung is the future clan leader meaning people are often looking towards him.It also means that people his age will tend to be more friendlier to him not because they actually like him but because they just want to be friends with someone important.
✩He learnt this the hard way, even now he doesn't know if someone genuinely likes him.Girls especially will constantly try to have their way with him.
✩however you were genuine with him, he could tell you genuinely liked not because he is the future leader but because he is Ao'nung.You loved him at his worst and at his best and for that he feels extremely lucky.

Mates?-Does he ever think about mating you one day?
✩It's not something he thinks about often because he likes to 'live in the moment' but if he were to be completely honest,Whenever he is alone usually at nighttime he will think about finally getting to be your mate and yours only.
✩Sometimes when he is having trouble sleeping he will think of a future with you and how happy you two would be.
✩really gets his heart beating fast.

No- Something he refuses to do.
✩Refuses to let his sarcastic mean comments get too far.Most of the comments are just for poking fun, he doesn't mean any of them but he also knows he can have a habit of being way too mean so he really does try his best to be better for you at least.

Open-How open is he with you?
✩It took a while for Ao'nung to open up to you.He was often dismissive when it came to his personal problems and preferred to keep it to himself.
✩Eventually he did open up, at first it was small things such as his favorite food and sweets and eventually he opened up about more intimate things such as his own insecurity.
✩He still remember how his heart hammered in his chest when he first told you about his insecurities, expecting you to turn away from him-walk away yet instead you listened intently.
✩Maybe to other people it is considered something small but to him this was a big deal, you actually cared!

Petnames-What petnames does he have, if any and when does he use them.
✩He will use pet names either in private or when he is trying to tease you In front of other.Otherwise don't expect him to openly call you a sweet name In front of other.
✩He has many names for you:Angle,sweetheart Stink(reserved for joking matters),My love and his ultimate favourite which is Princess which he only uses when he's extra smitten for you.
✩He also has some obscure and slightly dirty petnames for you only used for when you two are in a heated make out session.

Quiz-How well does he know you?
✩He practically knows everything about you, Test him in his sleep and he will get every single question right.He's way to obsessed with you to not know every singe detail about you.

Random- A random head-cannon
✩He is terrified of heights, Like his legs and arms will literally shake if he's too high above the ground
✩If you own an Ikran just know that it will be extremely hard to get him onto it and not only that but once he is up in the air he will literally cry and scream like a little girl so good luck :)

Sick-what he does when you are sick.
He is sort of like a parent. Strict and doesn't let you do anything and is vv adamant about the whole situation.
He can't cook but will get Tsireya to make soup for you and will even get his mother to check up on you which causes her to roll her eyes slightly as his over-exaggeration, he's just really worried.
Tries his vets to stay with you as much as possible and keeps you company the whole way through.He will also try make you laugh in hopes you will feel a little better.Honestly hates seeing you like this

Tears-The time he actually cried in front of you.
✩He never meant for it to happen, he was trying to be brave for you but seeing you soft soothing smile caused all his Barriers to break,He became a sobbing mess in your arms
✩It's truly a sad sight to see, Ao'nung is never one to cry yet here he was in front of you crying in the crook of his neck.
✩after he has finished he didn't talk much after but he let you baby him a little(Something he enjoys) and soon enough he was feeling much better

Unity-How united does he feel with you?
✩Extremely united!. He truly believes that you guys are so close that he can consider you his second limb.You are the one and only person that can fill his heart with so much happiness.

Vanity- Is he concerned about things like appearance?
✩Many eyes are in him, over the years this caused him to care deeply about the way he looks.Especially his hair.
✩He likes to take really good care of his hair and so he even taught you how he likes it done(He does yours too!)
✩Takes extra care with his oil treatment and the way he washes it and then allows you to braid it back up for him and finally ties it up.He loves the way your fingers feel on his scalp, in his opinion best feelings ever.

Water-How often do you two hang out in the sea/reef
✩The water is his home and so he will often take you to new and cool places he has found while exploring.
✩He also wants someone who is as passionate about the water as he is

X-ray?-What are his true feelings deep down.
✩He may say a lot of mean things, sarcastic comment and other such things but deep down he is completely and absolutely adored by you.His mind is always travelling back to you even when he tried to take his mind of you.
✩Sometimes he feels like his heart is going to explode from all the adorable things you do.Even though he doesn't say it often he hopes you know how he truly feels about you.

Yuck-what he finds disgusting or irritating.
✩After meeting you he has become a better and bigger person emotionally. He much more mature and is no longer friends not associates himself with his old friends
✩why? Because he's learnt from you that he needs to learn to be nicer and it's what he is really trying to prove to you, that he is a changed person.

Zzz-How he sleeps beside you.
✩Type of person who needs to be hugging something to actually be able to sleep, with that being said he will literally have a death grip on you if you so much as try to escape
✩In all seriousness, he feels so safe in your arms he has to physically try not to fall asleep.He thinks your the perfect spot to fall asleep on for multiple reasons.Your warm, soft, sweet and comfortable.
✩His two favourite sleep are when he is hugging you from your back or where you are spooning him, letting him sleep on your chest.
He doesn't snore but he breathes loud enough for it to be noticeable.Surprising an adorable sight to look at.

2410 words
Haven't checked for errors so there is probably a few anyways hope you liked it

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