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I climb out of my aunts truck, shaking. I can't believe I let it get this far. I mean rehab, seriously how sad is that? This is definitely not what I was expecting. I grab my bags out of the trunk and walk into the huge building. This is where the dorm rooms are. I've visited this place three times with my aunt just to make sure that this was the right place. But that didn't matter, my opinion didn't matter. I didn't matter. Everybody thinks that bringing me here will fix me, nothing can fix me.

"Alright Johna, if you want to leave you can just call me and I'll come pick you up, any time." My aunt said looking me in the eye and holding onto my arm. Seriously she thinks that after everything... she really thinks that I would go back with her. Yeah she was the only one who would take me but still. It's not like I needed her... or anyone for that matter. All people do, all people have ever done is hurt me. Why should I care anymore. Nobody else does. Leaving my thoughts I put my headphones in and checked myself in. The lady smiled at me and handed me a key to my dorm room. Which unfortunately. I had to share. As I got to my room Fix A Heart by Demi Lovato started playing. You know I really look up to her. I have ever since I found out she cut. Of course I didn't stop. Once an addict always an addict, right?

I am pulled out of my thoughts as I looked around my room. There were One Direction posters everywhere. And when I say everywhere I mean everywhere. Well except for the line down the middle of the room and the right half of the room. Well as long as she minds her own business I'll be fine. The door slammed open, five girls walking in gushing about the formerly mentioned boy band. That's when my throat gets tight and the room starts spinning. I remember when my friends actually talked to me. After I moved out of Ohio everything changed. For a while my really close friends kept in touch but after about three months all calls and texts stopped. Except for one friend but she lives in Washington so it wasn't a big change for our friendship. I hear the teenage chatterboxes suddenly gasp.

"Are...are you gonna rob me?" The tall blonde one asks looking at me from head to toe. Jumping to the same conclusion as everyone else who doesn't actually know me.

' kind of I don't know live here. Bitch' well that's how it went in my head. In reality where my antisocial gem of a personality shows through I answer with the incredibly sad response of whispering a simple "ummm....... I'm roommate."

"Oh! They said you were coming." She said seeming to fake excitement. "What's your name?"

"J-J-Johna." I stutter oh so glamorously.

"Well... Hey Johna I'm Kaitlyn. What are you in this dump for?" She asked a look of disapproval hidden under her tenuous smile.

"Self-harm, anorexia, bulimia." I mumble completely mortified and shocked by her boldness.

"Oooo! Same as me minus the self harm shit. I mean who could be so pathetic that they would actually want to hurt themselves." Okay so that hurt. She paused a moment looked me up and down once again looked over at her short brunette friend and snickered before saying "Well I guess we know one person pathetic enough." Okay so this girl makes staying with my aunt seem like paradise.


Sorry about this awfulness. Okay so this is probably like... a sixteenth of a page but I felt bad about not uploading. I have been writing but mostly on my other stories. This is a really hard one to write so I will try my best to upload often but it makes me sad. I will most likely have another chapter up in a couple days. Also I am writing on my phone so I have no idea how long this is.

Love ya smidgits.


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