With You

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The wedding was...

...a lot.

As Judge had announced, it had happened a week from the proposal. A large scale event, attended by the entirety of Germa. Music, food, dancing, the most beautiful dress one could ever imagine. Like I said. It was a lot, especially in such a short time.

Ichiji had done his best to track down Crocodile, even though I never asked him to do so. Much to both of our dismay, he could not be found, so Judge had been the one to give me away. It was uncomfortable, but I wasn't in any place to argue. Besides, it was a small issue in the grand scheme of things.

I had originally asked Cosette to be my maid of honour, but Judge wasn't having a bar of it. He appointed Reiju to stand by my side instead, which wasn't awful. We got along, to a degree, but she was still so tense around me.

Neither Niji or Yonji had approached me since the proposal had taken place, and I hadn't had a moment of peace to be able to find either of them. I knew they were hurt by my decision, and I wanted to apologise and hopefully maintain our friendships, but it would have to wait.

"Mrs. Vinsmoke (Y/N). My wife. I can't quite believe it. Could I be dreaming?" It was like the ending of a fairytale as Ichiji held me in his arms, carrying me over the threshold, into his quarters. With my arms looped around his neck, I smiled up at him brightly.
"You're definitely not dreaming."

Though it still doesn't feel real yet...

Ichiji wasn't usually one to smile widely, but there be was, positively beaming down at me, spinning once as we entered the room before he set me down onto my feet. His hands came to rest upon my cheeks, and I was happy to use my ability to show him just how thrilled I was.

"God, I love you. I don't think you have any idea just how much." He spoke so lovingly to me, and it made my heart sing. Reaching up, I pulled his sunglasses from his face so I could see it in his eyes. Beautiful pools of crystal blue that I'd be able to wake up to each morning for the rest of our lives.

"I love you too, You-"
"Ichiji. Please. You're my wife, my dear. My name is for your lips." He was so poetic in the way he spoke to me, it was so different from how he typically held himself. Somehow, I managed to smile even wider.
"I love you too, Ichiji."

This feels so right.

Taking me for another twirl around the room, the prince admired my wedding dress, grazing the material with his fingertips before holding my hand.
"Come on, let's get that makeup off of your face. I think we've both had more than enough of being all dressed up for the day."

He couldn't have been more right about that. I allowed him to lead me into his - no, our - bathroom, giggling as he lifted me to sit on the counter top.
"I know I've already said it like a thousand times today, but you look really good in a suit..." He truly did. The deep red ensemble made him look like a dream.

"Well, then maybe I should wear a suit every day, hmm? If you like it so much." He smirked, starting to gently wipe at my face with a damp wash cloth.
"I honestly wouldn't complain." It was hard to believe that he had been such a cruel man only months ago. Now he was so tender and kind, at least with me.

Once he finished removing my makeup, Ichiji brought me back down to stand, turning me to face away as he reached to the zipper of my wedding dress.
"Now, would you be interested in joining me in the shower, my princess..?"

That was when it really hit me. The moment I said I do and married Vinsmoke Ichiji, I became a princess of Germa. The eventual queen consort. It was almost too much to comprehend, but as my dress slid from my frame the thought was pushed to the side.

SPARKING - Vinsmoke Ichiji x Reader (TEMPESTUOUS END)Where stories live. Discover now