The spark that went out

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Warning: Sex part

After a few minutes they both fall asleep but then wake up from a loud noise

"What the hell is that ." Enid says scared

"It's going to be fine ." Wednesday says running to Enid hugging her

"Wow she hugged me call me crazy but I'm doing this I don't care ." Enid says in her head

"Wednesday just trust me ." Enid says moving closer to Wednesday

She moves closer and closer then they kiss and make out Enid and Wednesdays walk to Enids bed and make out more

"Damn I like this ." Wednesday says as she looks at Enid

Enid slowly takes of her clothes and Wednesdays clothes and kisses Wednesdays some more

"Um what about Ajax ." Wednesday says as she kisses Enid

"Fuck him I don't need him ." Enid says as she kisses Wednesday and puts two fingers in Wednesdays

"Ok then but wait let me do something ." Wednesday says kissing Enid

"Ok like what ." Enid says looking happy

"Just wait ." Wednesday say's getting on top of Enid and eating her out

After awhile they stop having there fun night and fall back asleep they then wake up

"Last night was crazy ." Wednesday says getting up

"Yea but maybe we shouldn't tell anyone and act like it never happened ." Enid says getting up

"Ok yea that's fine I don't mind ." Wednesday says brushing her hair

After they get ready they go eat breakfast then come back to there dorm

"I'm probably going to go for a walk wanna come ." Wednesday says

"Naw that's ok I'm good ." Enid says laying down

"Ok then be back later ." Wednesday says leaving the room

Wednesday goes for a walks around the school for a little then sits at a bench

"Sup loser ." Bianca says sitting next to Wednesday

"Hey ." Wednesday says looking at Bianca

"So did you do what I said last night ?" Bianca says looking at Wednesday

"Well I went to but then Ajax asked her to dance but then we got woken up in the middle from something are we just started kissing and other stuff to ." Wednesday says looking happy

"Damn you go girl ." Bianca says getting up

"You can't tell anyone I wasn't supposed to say ." Wednesday says

"Ok I promise I won't well I better get going tho ." Bianca says

Wednesday then walks back to her dorm but hears kissing she opens the door and sees Ajax and Enid

"Shit I'm sorry I'll go ." Wednesday says leaving fast

"Shit I'll be back ." Enid says running after her

"What do you want ." Wednesday says looking down

"The kiss didn't mean anything I only did it so nobody would know what we did ." Enid says looking at Wednesday

"Your a lier and a snake and I hate you so don't talk to me ." Wednesday says running away

Enid then goes back to her dorm and tells Ajax to leave

"Can you go please I don't feel to well ." Enid says as she about to cry

"Yea ofc talk later ." Ajax says leaving

Hours go by but Wednesday isn't back and Enid is worried about her

"Shit where is she bro ." Enid says crying and sad

Wednesday then comes back with blood on her and messed up hair

"What the hell where were you ." Enid says crying and sad

"You don't need to know ." Wednesdays says fixing her hair

"Please just tell me ." Enid says in a sad voice

"Fine I was with Xavier and we saw someone dye and I looked at who it was so that's why I have blood on me ." Wednesday says

"Omg who ." Enid says getting scared

"Someone from here but I forgot his name ." Wednesday says

Whatever I'm taking a nap ." Wednesday says falling asleep

Wednesday mixed emotions [ FINISHED ]Where stories live. Discover now