I glared at him, "You have to climb it, dummy!"

I climbed all the way to the top, the tree was so tall that you could see every part of the forest. I was awed when I first climbed it. The view was amazing. 

Neteyam suddenly plopped down next to me, and his eyes went wide.

" Woah..."

I nodded, " This is going to be our tree. Only ours. No one else's."

He smiled at me, with his missing teeth.

"I want to be like this forever."

"We can't sit here forever, that's stupid. We don't have food, or water or-"

He shook his head, "be with you forever."

He suddenly turned to me face serious, "There is only one thing to do, to ensure this."

I narrowed my eyes at him, "You can't kill me and store my body. I still have a long life to live."

He blinked, "No you weirdo. You have to make the sworn promise."

"What's a sworn promise?"

He sat up and pointed a finger as if he was teaching me.

"A sworn promise is when someone will die if they break the promise that they swore on."

"What?! No way! I don't want to do that!" I immediately shook my head.

He begged me, "please Riti! PLEASE!"

I still shook my head, "Please ! Please! Please! Please Please Please Please Please Please Please-"

"OKay FINE! Eywa you're so annoying." I shook my head, " What even is the promise you want to make?"

He smiled, " To be best friends forever! And when we are older we have to be mates."


He nodded seriously, "It's what my dad is to my mom. Mates are when you're with a person for the rest of your life. So essentially best friends for life."

I cocked my head, "so... that means that you won't leave?"

He copied the tilt of my head, "Nope. Neverrrrrr"

I frowned, "But then I'll be stuck with you forever?"

He frowned too, "You don't want to?"

My ten year old brain only thought of the happiness I had when Neteyam was with me, my first friend.

I smiled, "Sure. What do we have to do?"

He nodded seriously then he spit on his hand.


"You have to do it too!"

I groaned but did it. Then he grabbed his gross one and put it to mine.

"We swapped spit." He said holding my palm to his. "We just kissed."

What was kissing? It was holding the hand with spit on it? That's so weird.

"Now repeat after me." he cleared his throat,

"I Neteyam Sully will always be with Riti for the rest of time. Nothing will ever separate us, we will be best friends for eternity. We will be each other's person, ONLY EACH OTHERS."

Ma Meuia (NETEYAM)Where stories live. Discover now