The real reward is coming home to you.

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Tommy ended his stream with a huge wide smile on his face.

MCC 22 had just finished, and Tommy and the rest of his team had won.

He hadn't streamed in a while, so as the cameras cut he rested his head on his hands as he gazed at his screen. The colors dulled in his vision and the smile didn't leave his face. A moment of peace after lots of yelling and screams of happiness- it was refreshing. His cheeks and neck were flushed from the heat of moving around in high tense situations, but was calming back down to a light peachy color as he rested. Outside the window to his office, he heard cars zoom by and birds chirp in the growing summer heat.

Quietly, he grabbed his phone and the rest of his stuff and stuffed it in his bag. He spun his keyring around his finger as he walked out through the hallways of his closing office building. Tommy's footsteps were some of the only sounds in the empty building, besides the roads outside and the creaks of doors he opened until his feet hit the grass lawns.

He raised his chin and looked into the slightly cloudy sky of Brighton, as seagulls fly overhead and squawk to try and gather civilian fries.

Tommy pulls out his phone and calls for an uber, which arrives in only a few minutes.

As the car drives Tommy gazes out the window, looking at the scenery he knows so well pass quickly. The blur of greens from trees and shrubbery on sidewalks adorn his vision, accompanied by his phone lighting up from the mounds of dm's he is getting from people congratulating him on the MCC win. It was a fun event, but having some cool-down time is the most rewarding.

Okay- maybe not the most rewarding, that was waiting for him at home.

That's the worst thing about streaming.

He has to leave the comfort of his house and leave his favorite person in the world- just to act like he isn't madly in love with him. Like he is some straight dude who just flirts with his specific male friend a lot. Totally normal.

Tommy sighs, and closes his eyes as the car driver continues driving down the road. The steady rhythm of bumps and turns makes his smile turn into a slight quirk of his lips, gentle in the blue sky illuminating him.

Soon, his driver kindly tells him that they are at his home and he perks up quickly. He tips the young woman that was in the front seat and grabs all of his stuff, slinging his bag over his shoulder. His converse land on the pebble path leading to the quaint sea-side home made out of light woods and decorated with a garden surrounding. Two cars sat in the driveway, one belonging to him and the other to his lover. A grin lights his face as the sun to the earth as he treads to the door, and unlocks it with his heart thumping.

"I'm home!"

Within a few seconds as Tommy unties his shoes he feels a weight tumble into him, knocking him to the carpet below him.


Tommy giggles and puts his face into the sandy boy's hair, "I won!"

The taller one pulls away from Tommy and holds his face between his hands, cradling his rosy cheeks carefully- as if they were glass made by god himself. To him? He might as well be hand-crafted by the most beautiful gods and goddesses. He pulls in Tom's face to his lips and kisses him, making Tommy turn red all over again.

After all of the excitement from the day, Tommy sinks into his touch.

Ranboo's touch.

Ranboo's hands, that make his heart skip a beat as they graze his skin.

Ranboo's soft, pink lips that go red from his kisses.

Ranboo's hair, that he lets his hands get sunken into and tangled as they let love swarm around them.


Tommy pulls away as he breathes hot breath onto his reddened lips.

"Congrats Tom."

Ranboo's voice is raspy and low, rumbling in his ear and sending chills down his arms. He never fails to make him flustered, god his voice made him want to bring him right to their bedroom. Their bedroom. The one where they share the sheets with each other and intertwine their limbs to comfort the other. The one where they inflict slight bruises over each other's chests and skin to which only they will see, in a quiet visible way of affection. The one where they will laugh and cry at movies they put on as they wind down for sleep. The one where Tommy was able to hear beautiful whines pour out of Ranboo's mouth as he was being loved so gently.

Tommy could go on forever.

He rests his head on Ranboo's chest, before the latter pulls them up and to the deck that rests outside on top of their lawn. They sit down on a sofa and he rests right next to Ranboo- almost on top of him. He leans on his chest as they look at the setting sun, watching goldens and pinks paint the sky and illuminate them as they reside on the cushion. A half sipped glass of lemonade sits on the glass table in front of them, with the ice slightly melted. Waves crash on the shore gently, and birds lay across the sand and rocks trying to find food.

Tommy sighs.

It's a tranquil scene, domestic in nature.

Two newly adult age teenages, deep fallen into sweet love that was placed in their lucky hands.

"You know, Ran, I'm kind of upset you didn't stay in the skirt you dressed up in for me."

He laughs, and pokes Tommy in the ribs, "You would like that, wouldn't you?"

"Woahh- Big Man, are we getting kinky here?"

That's the Tommy that Ranboo knew. He can be so sweet, peaceful- but these jokes are always thrown in. It makes it better, in all honesty. It's real.

"Ran, when are you getting an MCC win, yeah?"

"You know what Tom? That's it. I'm going to leave you. No more special breakfasts. No more Clementine or Sandrio."

"No! Anything but them! Please! We can talk this out, Boo!"

Sandrio, the adorable baby border-collie they adopted, and Clementine, their tabby cat. They were parents! Of animals- that is, but it still counts.

Ranboo starts to tickle the blond, making him surrender almost immediately.

"Give me a kiss and I can forgive you."

"Say no more, love-" Tommy sits up a bit and pulls Ranboo into his lips again, tousling his hair with his hands.

For hours they sat on their deck overlooking the beach and watched the sun set as they kissed and admired each other in the dwindling light.

The lemonade sits, untouched, as the boys start to get more passionate and eventually walk inside once it gets dark to go to their bedroom and keep safe in the arms of each other.

Over the night, the stars twinkle in bliss and the cup of lemons and sugar goes lukewarm.

At the end of the day, Tom could give two shits about winning MCC and getting that coin as a reward.

As long as he gets to keep coming home to Ranboo, he doesn't care. He's okay.

He's okay.

The real reward is coming home to you || Tommy x Ranboo oneshotWhere stories live. Discover now