The Beginning

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The day my mother died was the worst day of my life. I couldn't believe it when the doctors told me and my father. My father came off as "sad", but I could tell that he was really just as numb as ever, except now, the "love of his life" just died.

I don't think my parents were ever truly in love, at least I really hoped they weren't. My father was the worst man I had ever met, and I had been in loads of controlling relationships. He always yelled to get what he wanted. He hit me, he called me names, he mentally degraded me, but my mom always told me he didn't mean it, but I know he did.

Once my mom died he became more abusive, it was at least tolerable when mom was still around, because even he took everything from me, I still had my mom. He began taking away anything and everything from me, first it was my television, I didn't care much because I barely used it. But things progressed from there, it soon got to the point where all I had was clothes, my phone, and a mattress on my floor.

I stopped leaving my room so I didn't have to see him, but that plan stopped working when school came around. I was a "gifted" kid, I was tested for it really young so the gifted title has just stayed my entire life. It feels like everyone has higher expectations for you now because of your label. I always used to wonder what "normal" kids lives were like. If they were anything like mine, I sure do pray for them.

I miss my mom. I miss being treated like every other kid. I miss when nobody cared about how you acted, how you looked, or how smart you are.

It's been 6 months since mom died, and I can't take it anymore. There's two months left until this year is done, and I will not live another year. Not here. Not in a foster home. No where.

I want to see my mom again

358 words
S. S.

Signed, Andy PeirceWhere stories live. Discover now