But with him...

With her...

Maybe it was better to seize whatever opportunity they find before they realize it's gone forever with no certainty of ever coming back.

Noting the protracted silence, the Wanderer realized what it entailed as a blush crept up to adorn his warm cheeks. He cleared his throat before standing up, keeping his arms crossed as he walked towards her with slow steps. "Is that a no?" he reminded her of his question, catching her back from her trance.

"What? I mean, of course. I was..." oh, maybe she wasn't what he thought after all. He frowned, was he jealous? "...b-but, you know, they were just friends helping friends out."

"What difference did I make for you then?" he asked.


"How am I any different from the rest of them?"

That was a question long since answered already, at least to herself for now. With him, she doesn't need to always pretend the world is all glitter and rainbows. She can always be straight with him about anything and everything, and him her.

"What do you think?" she responded, and he took a step closer as he pondered.

"Is it the eyes?" he joked, and she rolled her eyes, stifling a laugh. "No? What about my hat?"

"Your hat? How does someone fall for anyone over some hat?"

"Okay, so if not the eyes nor the hat, what is it?"

He took another step, and they were now at least a few fair inches away from each other. His cunning eyes stayed fixated on hers, and she felt her breathing hitch.

It was only when he leaned down until she could feel his breath just by her ear did she feel the rapid pace of her heart like it would jump out of her chest any time soon.

"Is it my voice?"

The whisper in his voice tickled her ear and neck, and a shuddering sigh escaped her lips before she quickly shut them tight. A low chuckle erupted as he retreated, a satisfied smirk plastered across his smug face. "It's the voice, isn't it?"

"It's not— you're not—" despite the glare in her eyes, she struggled to find exactly what she was meant to say.

"Tsk, what? Cat got your tongue, Lumine?"

Averting her eyes anywhere away from the self-satisfied Wanderer in front of her, she huffed as she crossed her arms. "A-Are you done toying with me now?" the girl was now too flustered to make any other retort and was ready to push him away to leave him be.

However, what was once an innocent exchange of banters now turned into an atmosphere too warm to handle because one moment, he wouldn't stop sending her smug looks, and the next, her hands were already pinned on both sides against the wall as something cold crashed against her lips for only the briefest moment before he leaned back and sighed, that self-satisfied smile never leaving his face.

"What was— what the fuck? Why did you—"

"Stop? Would you like me to continue?"


She stopped just when he leaned down again, but he didn't dive any further. He was just a little too close for comfort. His eyes trailed down to the thin of her faintly quivering lips.

He gave her another kiss, this time more velvety and innocent like her lips were the most fragile thing in the world to him. A small whine escaped her throat, and he sighed, interlocking their fingers together as he tilted his head to the side. Despite his lack of heart, he felt like something was beating in his chest, and it felt so fast that he almost swore whatever it was inside him would burst out of him at any moment. He permitted himself a few more seconds before pulling away, the warmth catching up to his face. He carefully set her arms back down, rubbing his thumbs softly against the back of her wrists as if to apologize in gesture and ease the pain he inadvertently might have caused her.

Eyes trailing back up to hers, he took in the sight of the fluster in her face, the deep red in her cheeks, the moist on her pink lips slightly parted, and her half-lidded eyes as they caught his gaze before quickly looking away, a hand abruptly shooting up to cover her mouth. If she had to lie, she would say she very much disliked the thought of doing it again.

To say she was beautiful to him was an understatement. Ravishing, gorgeous, stunning, irresistible, none of which would satisfy him into calling her just those. If anything, the closest to what she was to him was that she was beyond heavenly, celestial, and he'd do anything to see more of her that way.

"...how's that for a boyfriend, hmm?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2023 ⏰

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