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"Nara Lumi! Who is blue Nara?"

A little chubby green Aranara that was sitting on Lumine's lap was pointing at the Wanderer, where Ararycan was seen on his right shoulder.

"Oh? That's Fujin, I'm sorry for not introducing him properly. He..." stealing another glance at him before looking back down at the curious Aranara, she smiled lightly. "He's not much of a talker,"

"Well, excuse you. I can and will talk, thank you very much."

Everyone turned to see the Wanderer walk his way towards them, and some of them sitting on the log got off to give him some space next to the Traveler. Seeing that he had nowhere else to sit, he frowned and took the spot next to her, Ararycan still lying on his shoulder.

"Hello to you too," she giggled at him and offered a hand to Ararycan, who was now making its way to her.

"Nara Lumi, back in Vanarana. Happy!" It chirped and raised its hands in the air as she smiled at it.

"I'm happy to see you too, Ararycan. Are you enjoying your new friend?" Glancing at the Wanderer, she saw him stick his tongue out a little as she smiled slyly at him.

"Yes! Angry Nara has something to say to Nara Lumi."

"Hey-" the Wanderer snapped and pointed at Ararycan, his entire face a shade of red as it looked at him glaring. "Don't even think about it,"

"But Angry Nara, you must say it as soon as you can before it's too late."

"Say what?" the golden-haired girl tilted her head with curiosity as she looked at the Wanderer. "Is there something I should know?"

Her golden eyes sparkled, and a few locks of her hair threatened to fall to her face. He was almost, almost entertaining the impulsive thought of bringing his hand to her face and placing those locks back behind her ear. Instead, he cleared his throat, his glare still fixated on the cheeky little blue creature in her hand. Looking at the Traveler would only make him feel more flustered than he admitted to himself.

"It's... nothing serious," he folded his arms, his fingers secretly tracing the Viparyas that was hidden under his garb. "It's nothing to worry too much about,"

"Hmm, okay then. We can talk once we're done,"

"Nara Lumi and Nara Fujin are leaving already?" The green Aranara on Lumine's lap looked up at the two. Although it wasn't obvious from their faces that plastered the same smile, they were all slumping forward as though they were sad.

"We'll stay for a little while longer, then we'll be on our way. Don't worry, we'll come back again soon when we can."

"Yay! Happy!"

"Nara Lumi, play one last song!"

"Yes! One more, Nara Lumi has pretty voice."

"Like Nara Varuna, pretty voice!"

"Yeah, sing us a song, Nara Lumi."

Taken aback by the little mockery the Wanderer half-heartedly made, she stifled a giggle and took out her lyre, her fingers ready to strum its old strings to produce a melody.

The whole vicinity was filled with silence as everyone surrounded the Traveler, anticipating to hear her voice. Even the Wanderer would lie if he said he wasn't interested. He had never once heard her sing to anyone before. If she did, she was good at hiding it.

The lyre finally let out a soft melody under the control of her fingers as she opened her mouth, her eyes closed. Words from a foreign language came out in the form of a soft lullaby, yet another unknown melody to him, as the Aranaras swayed to the music.

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