In The Works

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"Do you think he's ready? We've had quite a run with him having a bunch of malfunctions."

Alex, a college student at The University Of Alabama asked one of his partners, Sarah Reid.

"Nothing seems to be wrong with him now. I mean we've been working on him for a few years now. We've done everything and completed every obstacle there was. I think it's safe to say he's ready."

"Alright. Hey Seth?" The man in a corner, Seth, looked over at Alex.


"Come help me test the Android?" Seth immediately shook his head at the question.

"Nope. No. Uh-uh. I'm not helping you with that."

"Oh come on, why not?" Alex asked, tilting his head to the side.

"Because, the last time I tried testing that shit out, it almost killed me!"

"Oh come on. He literally just grabbed your hand. Please? If we detect him about to hurt you, Sarah will shut him down immediately. Okay?"

Seth thought for a minute, staring Alex down. "Fine." He rolled his eyes, holding the 'f' sound for a few seconds.

"Great, come here." Alex held out a hand for him, to which Seth came over and took it.

"Since you're so scared, I'll guide and help you." The two of them walked up to the Android.

"Just tap his shoulder a few times."

Seth sighed. "Alright." He did as told and tapped the Androids shoulder.

The Android lifted it's head up from the contact, looking around and seeing the two men in front of him.

"Jay, say Hello to Seth. Can you tell us a little about him?"

The Android - Jay - scanned Seth up and down a few times until he stopped and looked at him, waving.

"Seth Wilson. Age Twenty-Two. Girlfriend's name is Sarah Reid. Currently studying in The University Of Alabama in Robotic Engineering."

Alex, Sarah, and Seth all looked at each other. None of them knew what to say. This was amazing! They created an Android that can tell everything about you just by looking!

"Hey, Jay?" Sarah called out.

Jay turned his head to her. "Yes, Sarah?"

"I'm gonna run a facial expression test on you, okay?" To which Jay nodded.

"Okay, give me...sad."

He did as told, his eyes even seeming like they had tears in them.

"Okay, can you give me..happy?"

He responded with a warm, bright smile on his face.

"Give me flustered?"

His expression softened completely and his cheeks began to heat up red.


His eyebrows scrunched together a little, head tilting to the side.

"Nice, nice. Finally, anger?"

Immediately, his eyelids lowered a little, his eyebrows still scrunched together and a frown on his face.

"Oh-ok, that face is so fucking terrifying. God, I hate that he's capable of so many expressions." Seth cringed.

"Oh come on." Alex rolled his eyes.

"You're such a baby."

Just then, Tim walks in and the three of them glance at him.

"Tim! Late again? Are you alright? This has been happening a lot."

"Oh yeah, sorry. I've been having to take Brian to and from places. He's a pain in the ass sometimes."

As Tim got closer and put his stuff down, he noticed the Android staring at him.

"Is he doing alright?"

"Oh yeah!" Sarah replied. "We just ran a facial expression test and he seems to get them just fine. We also had Seth test out turning him on by tapping him and letting Jay scan him."

Tim laughed. "Yeah? And did he shit his pants?"

"No" "Yes."

Seth and Alex spoke at the same time.

"I did not, Alex!"

"Yeah yeah whatever. You wanna try it out Tim?" Alex offered, but Tim shook his head.

"No, I'm okay. I have to give him a new voice box anyway. To make him sound more human."

He took a few voice boxes he was working on and placed them in a slot in Jay's throat.

"Can you say 'hi' for me?"

"Hi." Jay responded.

The voice sounded so distorted and scratchy. Tim immediately took it out.

"Definitely not."

He went through about three more until he put the last one in.

"Alright. Can you tell me a little bit about you?"

"My name is Jay Merrick. I am an Android built by Sarah Reid, Alex Kralie, Tim Wright, and Seth Wilson. I was made in 2022, but my given birthday is 1988. I am a Taurus."

Tim smiled and turned to his friends. "I like his voice. I think it fits his face. What do you guys think?"

They all agreed with him. "I like it. You did well, Tim!" Sarah gave him a smile.

"Alright." He turned back to Jay. "You finally have a human-like voice box! How do you feel?"

Jay hummed a little, saying a few random words, until finally saying an actual sentence. "I like it! It suits me. You did well Timothy!"

"Please, just call me Tim."

"Alright, you did well Tim!"

"Thank you."

Alex chuckled a little. "Alright well we gotta shut him down for a while because we got other classes to go to today. Jay, shut down."

Jay slowly closed his eyes and tilted his head down, falling asleep and charging in his box. They all eventually left, leaving Jay there for the time being.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Aug 19, 2023 ⏰

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