Chapter 3: The Demands

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Chapter 3: The Demands

The group of social media influencers sat in silence, trying to process what had just happened to them. They were all tied to chairs in a small, windowless room, with a kidnapper standing in front of them, making demands for ransom.

Smith, the kidnapper, handed each of them a copy of the ransom note. They were all shocked at the amount being demanded for their release. It was a large sum of money, and they knew that their followers and fans would have to come together in order to raise it.

Blake, the young man known for his viral dance videos, was the first to speak. "My fans will never be able to pay this kind of money," he said, his voice shaking with fear. "I don't have that kind of money myself."

"That's not our problem," Smith replied, his voice cold and emotionless. "Our demands are non-negotiable. If the money is not paid, you will all be killed."

Aria, the young woman known for her beauty and lifestyle tips, was next to speak. "How do we even know that you'll let us go if the money is paid?" she asked, her voice trembling.

"You'll just have to trust us," Smith replied, a hint of a smirk on his face.

The group of social media influencers knew that they had no choice but to comply with the kidnapper's demands. They knew that their followers and fans would do everything in their power to raise the ransom money, and they knew that their lives depended on it.

They were also aware that this kind of situation could ruin their reputation and their career as social media influencers. They knew that their lives would never be the same again, even if they were to be released.

Smith gave them instructions on how to contact their followers and fans, and informed them that they had 48 hours to raise the ransom money. He then left the room, leaving the group of social media influencers alone to contemplate their fate.

They all knew that the next 48 hours would be crucial, not just for their own survival, but for the survival of their online careers as well. They were determined to do whatever it takes to stay alive, but at the same time, they were also worried about how this would affect their future

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