Part 1

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A/N: Hello so a while ago I drew a crossover fanart of these 2 comics and then I got a fanfic idea -_- Warning this fic is gonna be super camp and super gay!!! It won't be super long either, no more than three chapters. Hope you enjoy lol


Most of the time, Princess Sapphia wasn't a fan of her fellow princesses. They tended to be... snooty at best. Uptight. She'd much rather run off with a commoner, to be honest.

However, there was one exception. A young princess she encountered while on her 'honeymoon' with Prince August. Really, it was just an excuse for her and August to get away from their respective families. Heck, half of Sapphia's time was devoted to avoiding her parents as much as physically possible.

Of course, the two best friends would have to stay undercover. That was fine, they were both used to it. While, of course, Sapphia wasn't romantically interested in August, she was always up for spending time with him. He got so caught up in his work, the guy deserved a break. So here it was, their bestie vacation, as Sapphia dubbed it.

The Pastel Kingdom was far enough away for people not to recognise them, but it was better to be safe than sorry. The two did not tell their parents where they were going specifically, but if they found out... well, yeah. They wouldn't be going on anymore vacations anytime soon. They did not need to hear lectures about 'going too far'.

Thus, that was what led to the duo walking through the Pastel Plaza, dressed in their brown peasant cloaks. Sapphia spun around in a circle, admiring every little thing.

"This is a nice little kingdom," August admired.

"I know, right?" Sapphia agreed. "And we don't have to worry about family or certain ex-suitors-" she dared not mention Nicolosi's name- "for a change!"

August sighed in relief, remembering the witch that had chased after him. "Tell me about it."

Sapphia eyed the Pastel Palace upon the hill. She tilted her head in curiosity.

"I've heard some rumours," she said.

"Oh?" August raised a brow.

"They say the princesses in there are the fairest of them all," Sapphia told him.

"I thought you weren't into other princesses?" August asked.

"Well, it depends," Sapphia shrugged. "I haven't got to meet that many other princesses. And besides... I'm curious. We're on vacation!"

"If you say so," August chuckled.

Sapphia patted his shoulder. "I'll tell you all about it, August. I've got a plan."


Of course, this wasn't the first time Sapphia had pretended to be a commoner. Back home, dressing up as a commoner was all she did. How else could she sneak out with her friends?

And now she was in the Pastel Palace, which was wayyy smaller than Pythia's palace. She was wearing a pastel maid outfit. One of the maids, Molly, was showing her around.

Gosh, this place is so damn small... Sapphia thought.

That was when she saw her for the first time.

She was different from other princesses she'd seen before. For one, she looked more like a stereotypical witch than an actual princess, despite the princess-y dress she was wearing. Sapphia watched her with a cautious eye. She knew better than anyone not to judge people by their appearance alone.

"Who is that?" she asked Molly.

"That is Princess Gwendolyn, the youngest of the Pastel Princesses," Molly explained.

Love in Strange Places [Cursed Princess Club x High Class Homos]Where stories live. Discover now