"It was probably a lively home when the Dwarf's Mine was thriving" Deuce said

"I bet it was too" Kagome said

"Staying here is pointless. The coal mine is probably our best shot at finding the magic crystal. For now, let's go check it out" Ace said and they started heading to the mine

Dwarf's Mine Entrance

When the group got to the mine's entrance, Grim started shaking and hid behind Kagome's legs

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When the group got to the mine's entrance, Grim started shaking and hid behind Kagome's legs

"W-We're gonna go in that pitch black hole?!" Grim asked

"Ya scared? How lame" Ace teased  and that made Grim mad

"Naaanh!? I'm not s-scared at all!" Grim moved from behind her legs and started walking to the entrance "I'm taking the lead! You guys, follow me!" Grim said as he started walking inside the mine

"You need to stop antagonizing Grim like that, Ace" Kagome said as they entered the mine

"Why? It's fun" Ace said and Kagome sighed

As they ventured inside the mine, Deuce stopped walking

"?! Wait!" Deuce said to the group and they stopped walking

"What?" Ace asked

"Is something wrong, Deuce?" Kagome asked

"Something is there!" Deuce pointed into the darkness and ghosts slowly made their appearance

"Eeek!" Grim screamed and jumped into Kagome's arms

"Heeeeeee hee hee! Our first visitor in the past ten years!" The first ghost said

"Make yourselves at home. For eternity!" The second ghost said

After they finally got away from the ghosts, they took a moment to catch their breath

"This place is haunted with ghosts too!" Ace said

"We don't have time to deal with every single one of them. We'd better hurry!" Deuce said

"Don't you think you can order me around. We wouldn't be in this mess in the first place if you hadn't done something idiotic" Ace said

"You wanna talk about who started it? It's cause you wouldn't clean!" Deuce shouted

"Oh, we're pointing fingers now? That furball over there burned the Queen of Hearts' statue first!" Ace said as he pointed at Grim

"Ffgna!? That's on you! That's what you get for making a fool outta me!" Grim shouted while glaring at Ace

"All of you! Do you understand our situation right now?! We're all expelled if we don't get back with the magic crystal by tomorrow morning!" Deuce said

"For the last time, stop acting like you're in charge here. It's really ticking me off!" Ace said

"Would you guys knock it off!" Kagome shouted and smacked them with a paper fan and they rubbed the spot where they got hit, Kagome heard something "Guys, I think I heard something" The guys carefully listened

"...on't....ive....wo...." The group freaked out

"W-Wh-What's... this voice?" Ace asked sounding scared


"I think it's... getting closer..." Deuce said

"Crystal.... IS MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNNEEEEE!!" Coming out from the shadows was a monster wearing tattered clothes, holding a pickaxe and its head was a glass full of ink

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Kagome screamed in fear

"I-It's heeeeeeeeeeeeeere!!" The guys screamed and they started running away

"What the heck is that thing?!" Deuce asked as he continued running

"Ffgnnnnnnnnnnnaaaaaaa!! Crowley didn't say anything about that!! Let's get outta here!" Grim said

"It's so nasty! But didn't it mention a crystal?" Ace asked

"It did say that!" Kagome said

"Cry...stal... won't...give...!" The monster said as he continued chasing after the group

"So there really are magic crystal left!" Deuce said as he stopped running

"N-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-nope! Nope! I'm a genius, but I don't stand a chance against that thing!" Grim said

"But we'll be expelled without it... I'm going!" Deuce said as he pulled out his magical pen

"You've gotta be kidding!?" Ace said

"But Deuce, it's too dangerous by yourself!" Kagome said

"I cannot, under any circumstances be expelled!" Deuce said as he started fighting the monster

To be continued

Kagome in Twisted WonderlandWhere stories live. Discover now