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I woke up and ran into the closet and threw on clothes. I quickly left the commons and ran down the stairs. I ran out into the courtyard and out to the Quittach field.

I went into the tent and looked around. I took one of the brooms off a rack and headed onto the field. I mounted the broom and headed into the air.

I began flying around and acting like I was playing Quittach . After a while I got bored and started flying in and out of the hoops.


I heard a male call. Shit. I flew down slowly and saw a brunette kid with bushy eyebrows. He was Irish and looked me up and down once I landed.

"You're not allowed to use that."

He said snatching the broom from me giving me a splinter. I pulled the splinter out.

"Who are you?"


"Nice to meet you." I said sarcastically, "what are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing."

I rolled my eyes. As I walked past him I shoulder checked him and he grabbed my wrist tightly. I winced from his grip but he didn't care.

"Don't touch me, malfoy."

His words stung.

"I'm not a malfoy."

I Spit out fighting back tears as I ripped my arm out of his hand. I walked away and headed back to the campus. As I arrived at the courtyard I saw Fred and George walking with Harry teasing him about Quittach. Fred looked over at me and left the two boys. He came over to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"How is the little lady doing?"

"Peachy." I said rolling my eyes.

"What happened." He asked stopping us. He turned me to face him but I ignored him. "What's wrong, love?"

"I don't want to talk about it." He looked at me concerned but quickly hugged me and told me he'd see me at lunch and then, He was gone.

I walked to class and sat down at my desk. We were learning how to levitate stuff. It sounded fun but of course, Hermione had to ruin it.

"Stop stop stop! You're going to poke someone's eye out! And besides you're saying it wrong. It's leviosa, not leviosar." She said rolling her eyes.

"If you're so smart than you do it!" She let out a soft laugh and rolled up her sleeves.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" She shouted as the feather began to levitate.

Everyone began to stare at her as the feather levitated. "Well done!" The Professor said.


When class ended we headed off to lunch and I sat with the usual people.

"Hazel," I looked at George confused. "Who do you like?"

"Not you." I said rolling my eyes and propping my elbow up onto the table, leaning my head onto the palm of my hand. George reached into his pocket and handed Fred some sort of coin.

"What's that?" Fred and George looked over at me. "You made a bet on me!?" I was shocked. How could they.

"do you like Fred?" I stared at him like he was stupid. I felt myself begin to blush.

"No. I don't like anyone." I said looking away. Fred handed me the coin. George started laughing at Fred as I inspected the coin. I handed it back to Fred.

"Hey Fred I need help with potions, can you help me?" George fell to the ground laughing as people around us stared at him.

"Sure." He said blushing. "When?" I thought about it for a second.

"Are you free tonight?" He nodded and I got up and left after saying goodbye. I walked out into the hallway and up to the dorms. I walked into the girls dorm and jumped onto the bed. I screamed into the pillow and started crying and laughing. After a couple minutes I sat up and fixed my makeup.

I ran out of the dorms and headed off to class. As soon as I entered the class the bell rang.


I removed my makeup and put it away. I stood up from my small vanity and over to my bed. I sat down and pulled out my books. I walked out of the girls dorms and into the common area. Surprisingly there was No one in there. I walked over to the couch and sat down.

I placed my home work onto the table and started looking over it.

"Hey there, love." I heard someone say from behind me. I turned around and saw George. I rolled my eyes and turned back around. He sat next to me.

"Go away George." He looked confused.

"I'm Fred?" I started laughing. He still looked confused. I stared into his eyes and inspected his facial features.

"Turn your head." I said already knowing he was George. He turned his head to the right. "Your missing Fred's mole. Nice try." I said rolling my eyes. George looked annoyed and stood up. He walked up the boys stairs and Fred walked down after him. George flipped him a coin and ran up the stairs.

Do they have to make a bet on everything?Fred walked over and sat down next to me wrapping his arm around me. "stalker" he whispered into my ear. I pushed him away and he started laughing.

"Atleast you know I would never cheat on you with your brother on accident." I mumbled quietly. Fred sat up and stared at me.

"What?" I didn't think he could hear that.

"N- nothing." He started smiling and blushing.

"What do you mean?"

"It's nothing. Now help, positions." He shook his head softly smiling as he removed his arm and leaned towards the desk. We started going over the homework and I realized how smart he was. As he was talking I couldn't help but stare into his eyes.

After a while he started to notice and stoped talking. He sat up and began staring into my eyes as well. I saw him looking at my lips as he started to lean in closer.

"Break it up!" I heard someone yell. "Stop making out with the malfoy." Ron. I turned around and glared at him.

"We weren't doing anything." Fred said placing his hand on my thigh. Ron noticed and I elbowed Fred slightly. he got the hint.

"And, what are you two doing out here anyways. Alone I might add."

"Mind your own business Ronald." I started laughing and Ron stormed up to his room.

After we finished we said goodnight and I headed to my room. After about two hours I finally fell asleep.

Adopted by the malfoysWhere stories live. Discover now