Chapter Two

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As I arrived at the diner where I work, I saw my best friends, Leo, and Harper. As my eyes scanned the room I see my boss who is only a year older then all of us. Even though bosses are supposed to be mean and a bit of a jerk, Layla isn't, she always understands why we are late unless you're like Leo who says he got attacked by a bear or some dumb shit.

Layla has always been in our lives, she's like an older sister to all of us, I admire her and her hard work. "Good morning my favorite girls." Layla says, causing Harper to look up,

"What about me?" Harper asked.

"You are too but not as much as Gracie, and get your lazy ass back to work, I don't want to end up cleaning up what you were supposed to like the past few weeks." Layla says, which causes Harper to roll her eyes before she returns to sweeping the floor.

"Whatever." Harper mumbled.

"What was that?" Layla asked.

"Nothing." Harper replied.

"Anyways, I'm gonna take this little one to the office so i can spoil her with her new toys." Layla says picking up the small dark haired baby from the stroller. Layla then walks to the door to the office and goes to go in but not without stopping.

"Charlie I know you usually help Leo cook but I need you to take orders since Harper didn't do her job correctly I have to rearrange everyone." Layla says, sounding frustrated.

"Will do." I say and go to the first table I see. "Good morning! I'm Charlotte and I will be your server today. What can I get for you today?" I asked and with that the day continued and I said the same thing over and over, and served what they wanted over and over, rinse and repeat. As the day ended and we had closed, Layla and Gracie came out from the back and sat down and we all had a conversation until I went back to cleaning off the table I had been doing.

I don't know how long i had been cleaning tables but as i finished my last table i felt an arm touch my shoulder, causing me to jump. I turned around to see it was just leo.

"Hey, our shifts are over." Leo says with his stupid smile that always made me smile. I've known Leo since birth, he has always been able to make me smile or laugh, or even feel safe.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2023 ⏰

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