And then she noticed something.

One of the members had their hood down.

Luckily, Sophie didn't know who it was, but Grady and Edaline seemed to, as their eyes widened and Grady grabbed Edaline's hand.

"That's a Vacker," Biana hissed to Sophie. "I don't know them very well, but I'm pretty sure that's Leono Vacker, Orem Vacker's son."

Sophie was pretty sure Biana was right, especially when she saw all her friends faces. They were shocked, but they definitely had recognition. 

"Another Vacker in the Neverseen," Stina muttered. "So much for their family name."

Fitz glared at her, but Sophie was wondering if this is what Alvar meant by the Vacker Legacy. 

Five Goblins marched into the enclosure, and before Sophie could prepare herself, they started unmasking the Neverseen. The first two members, Sophie didn't know, although some of her friends knew who they were.

As they were unmasked, Councilor Emery boomed their names, and said that their tribunal would be held shortly. 

The third member the goblins unmasked, Sophie did know.

It was someone she used to see almost every day, and she would have never suspected him to be a part of the Neverseen.

It was Sir Conley, her old elementalism mentor.

"Beckett Conley," Emery shouted. "You have been hidden in our finest school, but now we will have no more evil. Your Tribunal will be held shortly to decide your fate.

Sophie tried to stare into the eyes of the person who had put her in danger, and could have hurt her, but she couldn't hold her old mentor's stare. She wished she could see at least a little bit of sorry in his eyes, but all she could see was the cold stare she always saw when she looked into Gethen's eyes, or Gisela's eyes.

He was truly a member of the Neverseen.

The next member was a young adult, who only looked a little bit older than Wylie. She didn't have the same glare as Sir Conley, she looked like Rayni had. She had hate towards the council for something they had done to her, but she wasn't evil like the rest of the Neverseen.

"Alta Redek," Councilor Emory boomed. Sophie glanced at Marella, and with a pang, she realized that Marella definitely knew this girl. She had tears in her eyes, but her mouth was in a firm line. "You have been banished, and now you have come together with an evil society. We shall hold a tribunal for you shortly, to decide your punishment.

A few more members were unmasked, and Sophie didn't know them, but she recognized some of them from seeing them on the street, or in other places. Her friends didn't seem to know any of them either.

Soon they were on their last masked member. Sophie held her breath, hoping it wasn't someone she knew.

And luckily, it wasn't.

As Emory shouted his commands, Sophie breathed in a sigh of relief. It hadn't been as hard as she thought. Now all they had to unmask were Ruy and Trix.

A goblin unfastened something from around Ruy's neck, and his face came into focus. He had dark skin, and short black dreadlocks, that he had covered up with a hood. His face looked familiar, but Sophie didn't recognize him. She looked at her friends faces, to see if they recognized him, but it didn't seem like they did.

Except Wylie and Maruca.

Both cousins faces were as white as they could get with their dark skin, and Wylie finally mumbled, "how could you, Royan?"

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