"Oh boys I love my gifts, thank you so much," Diana replies kissing her sons on the cheek.

Charles is happy William and Harry love Diana and accepted her as a mother figure in their lives.

"Mummy, will you and Papa be away long?" William asks.

"No sweetheart, just for a couple of days," Diana replies caressing William's cheek.

After kissing Wills and Harry goodbye, Charles and Diana are then taken to Windsor Castle to begin celebrating Diana's birthday.

Upon arrival, Charles escorts Diana to their room so they to get ready for dinner. Although it was just the two of them having dinner, Charles still wanted them to get dressed up.

Charles finished getting dressed before Diana, so he decides to wait for her in the hallway. When Diana emerges wearing a red gown, Charles is speechless.

"What do you think?" Diana asks shyly.

"You look beautiful, darling," he replies his voice slightly husky.

Diana blushes, "thank you."

Offering his wife his arm, they head to the dining room.

When they arrive the table is set for two. The only light is from the candles lit on the table and the mantle. Next to the dinner table is another table with three bouquets of red and pink roses along with a flat wide black box, another box black box.

"Oh Charles you didn't have to go through all this for me," Diana says kissing her husband.

"Why not, darling, we're celebrating the day the love of my life was born," he replies pulling out her chair.

Diana smiles as she feels like she is on cloud nine. This last year with Charles has been wonderful. She has never felt love like this nor has a man ever doted on her as Charles did. She loves him so much, every day he's shown her how much he loves her.

After the second course, Charles decides now is the perfect time to present Diana with her gifts. He gets up and walks over to the table and picks up the diamond suite and the signet ring boxes. Coming up to his wife.

"Which one would you like to open first, love?"

Diana selects the small box first, realizing it's a ring box. Opening the box she sees a signet ring with the Prince of Wales insignia.

"Charles it's beautiful," Diana says as she puts the ring on her finger.

"Nothing is more beautiful than you are, my love," he says before kissing her cheek.

She blushes. Her husband knows how to make her feel special.

"Now for your other gift. I'm looking forward to seeing you wear this with a gown... or in your birthday suit," he says with a wink.

Diana bites her lips as she feels a throbbing between her legs. Squeezing her legs together, she lifts the lid to the box. The gold writing catches her attention first. Inside it says Her Royal Highness The Princess of Wales in gold cursive writing. When she looks down at the contents of the box she gasps. She has seen a lot of diamonds in her life, but never this many.

"Happy Birthday darling," Charles says taking the necklace out of the box and putting it around her neck. His eyes look at the large diamond that is resting in her cleavage. He can't wait until she wears the necklace and bracelet with nothing else.

"Oh Charles thank you, I love you so much," she says standing up hugging and kissing him.

"You're welcome, and I love you too."

After dessert, the couple heads back to their room where Charles informs Diana, of the bath waiting for them. They both get out of their clothes and put on their robes.

Walking into the bathroom rose petals are sprinkled all over the tub in the water and some on the floor. Candles are also lit along the right ledge beside the tub.

Charles watches with lust as Diana lets her robe turn into a puddle of fabric on the floor. The diamonds in her necklace sparkled like a thousand stars. He wants her so bad it almost hurts, but they have to wait five more weeks before they can be intimate again. He wants Diana to heal properly and also the doctor informs she has an increased chance of getting pregnant. For him, three children are enough.

He wraps his arms around her and holds her.



"Thank you for a wonderful birthday."

"You're welcome," he replies giving her a peck on the lips.

They relax in the tub a little while longer before heading off to bed.

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