Chapter 10

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William ran excitedly up and down the aisle as the large locomotive ran along the tracks at high speed.
Harry is snuggled up to Diana who is currently reading one of her books. Charles went to his parent's train car to talk to them.

"William stops running before you fall and hurt yourself," Diana says.

William comes to an abrupt stop and climbs onto the seat across from his brother and nanny.

"Ms. Spencer, can we make cookies for Christmas?" Wills asks as he swings his dangling feet.

"We'll see Wills," Diana replies.

Harry adjusts his position and rests his head on Diana's lap. Diana gently caresses the little ginger-haired boy's forehead as he drifts off to sleep.

Considering what time she had to get the boys up this morning, she was not surprised that the two of them are not asleep.

"Ms. Spencer, how much longer until we get there?" Wills asks pressing his face against the window, watching the yellow and gold trees speed by.

"I don't know. We can ask your father when he comes back," Diana replies.

"Ok," Wills replies never taking his eyes off of outside.

Just then Charles enters the car. He looks over at Diana and smiles. He loves how the sunlight makes her look like she's glowing from within.

"Is everyone alright?" Charles asks sitting down next to Diana.

"Yes, everyone is fine," Diana replies looking at him and then returning her attention to her book.

"Papa, how much longer until we get there?" William asks.

"We'll be there soon, Wills just have to be a little patient," Charles replies.

Charles looks down at Harry who is fast asleep. He can't help but envy his son a little as he would love to have fallen asleep in Diana's lap. Not just her lap, but falling asleep with her in his arms.

"So what are you reading?"

"Just some book," Diana replies shyly.

Charles looks at the cover and sees a young woman in a pink gown resting in her lover's arms. Based on the title he can only assume it's a romance novel.

"Barbara Cartland, I've never read one of her books before."

"I doubt you would, I don't think these types of books would interest you."

Charles shrugs as she has a point. His interest in books is more on an intellectual level. He was reading books written by philosophers and other great minds of the past century.

"So what is it about?"

"Just a girl falling in love," Diana replies, her cheeks turning a shade of crimson.

"Interesting, and I guess it's too soon to ask whether she did fall in love with the gentleman that wants her; considering you haven't finished yet."

Diana feels nervous as she feels a double meaning behind his question. Her feelings towards Charles run deep and one could say she feels the same as him. She does know when she goes home at night she misses him. Kissing him is like an addiction she feels she could never get enough of. She thinks about him all the time. When he walks into the room her heart begins to beat like a thousand drums. So she guesses she can say she has fallen in love with him. However, expressing her feelings to him is something she struggles with as she doesn't want to do anything considered inappropriate.

"I would say so, she still is trying to get to know her suitor a little better," Diana replies.

"Oh, so he has to work harder to convince her he is in love with her," Charles replies before kissing her cheek.

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