Meant to be

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In a city far far away from our beloved human protagonist, turmoil had struck the minds of the only Newtopian citizens in all of Amphibia. A curious creature with lanky arms and a habit of tripping on themselves had found its way to the capital city of Amphibia, which also happens to be the home of the infamous Leviathan like newt.

---------------Scene change brought to you by Sprig's slingshots --------------

Andrias's day couldn't have gone any worse. Communicating with your late father whose in a hive mind made of your ancestors isn't the most desired way to start the day but beggars can't be choosers. 

I have been entrusted with the responsibility of safeguarding the Calamity box that was passed down the Leviathan dynasty and was the core reason for Newtopia's power over Amphibia was stolen by none other than my own dear friend, I have but nothing to do except wait.. wait until the music box is brought back to its right owner.

But ever since the disappearance of the box, the Leviathan family name was tainted and ridiculed upon, we became the joke of the century and I became a humiliation to my father, King Aldrich himself. The mocking had only started dying down three full decades after I was crowned king of Newtopia. 

If only I was more skeptical of Leif maybe father would have been proud and I would have followed my father's foot steps and conquered worlds just like I was meant to with Leif and Barrow by my sides. But no.. Leif just had to betray me because of some stupid vision she had which wasn't even true and left me without as so much as a simple goodbye and I'm now stuck having to wait over a millennia... living... while she passed on to a better life.


The large doors of the throne room opened to show my right-hand-woman Lady Olivia. She lightly bowed "I do apologize if I interrupted your morning reading, Your highness. I brought you your tea"

I didn't even realize the open book in my hands about 'The great achievements of Newtopian robotics'. I had been hoping to make some adjustments to the cyborg that is my body which had recently been a bit too loud. Loud enough that some have taken notice. Now I can't have that..

In normal circumstances all members of the Leviathan dynasty have a naturally long lifespans but what people didn't know, was that it was only possible with the help of the core. By humiliating father, I have been stripped my rights as a worthy Leviathan until proven useful which is why I am dependent on our current advanced technology hence being a cyborg.

It has been too long- toO LONG! I've been trapped in this suit. Its not even comfortable. I can't feel like I used to. The signals from the machinery to my very nervous system makes me crawl in my own skin. Its so unnatural it makes me absolutely miserable. And all that including running this frog-forsaken kingdom, all the while getting complaints on how I'm not following proper castle etiquette. No offense to Olivia but it can get a bit old sometim-

"Dear King Andrias, just once it would be nice if you followed proper castle etiquette. You know you shouldn't get distracted so easily" complained Lady Olivia interrupting my train of thought and also unintentionally making me feel déjà vu.

"Oh I'm extremely sorry Olivia, morning just have not been great" I apologized as I put down the book and took the cup of tea into my hands, with my pinkie up obviously.

" What do you mean your highness? You've never had a bad day.. not during my time working for the castle. You literally wake up singing?! The newts wish if you'd stop doing that by the way, there are many many complaints." 

"Well.. Its a bit complicated than tha-"

The doors shot open in a flash, interrupting me the second time this morning and in came running were one of my loyal guards. 

The poor newt guard was out of breathe and was slightly heaving, clearly the newt had been running for a while. It didn't take much long for the guard to finally compose himself and announced "Your highness! *gasp* There has been an unknown *cough* creature lurking within the *sign* city borders. It has been scaring the crowds an-and causing trouble within the city. It seems hurt after falling down The Flight Of Stairs. What should we do with it??"

An unknown creature could it be! Had the music box finally come back!! My guards have learnt all creatures that live in Amphibia during their training. To see that one doesn't recognize this one could only mean its from another world. The only recorded world-jumping device is the music box. This must be it!! My chance to redeem myself! 

"Capture the creature and tend to its wounds. Get them our most prestigious hospital staff, I want them at full health as soon as possible. Make sure it doesn't escape your sight." I ordered.

"Yes your highness. Right away!" the guard swiftly ran back out the door from where he came from.

If this creature has the music box, I will finally be able to restart my destiny and make my father proud. Surely they must possess the box, it'll be only a matter of time when things finally fall into place.

I will be where I was always meant to be.

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