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                  (Time skip to lunch)

You spot Finney and Robin waiting for you at one of the empty lunch tables. You quickly shout "Hey wait up don't go to the grab and go without me (you set up a plan with Finney and Robin while you were walking to school with them to go to the grab and go during lunch)!!!!!!!"

You finally catch up to them and you were just walking  and making either laugh when Finney had to ruin the moment and say "You know you guys would be a really cute couple" this makes you turn beet red and Finney of course notices this and says with a smirk " what did I say y/n?" You stutter "s-shut u-up d-dipshit" when you get your snacks and drinks you notice pinball Vance hopper

Side note: The grabber wasn't having the kidnappings yet

Now, pinball Vance was your best friend.  He walks up to you and says "hey Y/N!" Vance noticed robin and said "n-nevermind. " supposedly Vance and Robin had gotten into a fight 2 weeks before he beat moose ass.

The next day the little dipshits that pick on my brother picked on him today I obviously say "hey assholes fuck off or I will fuck you up"  one of rhe 3 boys say "what are you gonna do cry to mommy oh wait she is dead" 20 minutes  later all tree were knocked out and I had bloody fists robin of course  ran up to me and said "what the fuck happened to you y/n" "ONE OF THOSE DIPSHITS CUT ME" I say examining my body for cuts or bruses.. Robin and Finney instantly  ran in and said at the same time "what the hell did you say" Robin sits me on the counter and wraps his bandanna  around my leg where the cut is at. Finney has a black eye luckily  I have foundation in my bag. I bring everywhere I put some foundation  around his eye. Suddenly, Finney says, "What do I need this for?" I respond," so it doesn't look like you got hit in the eye dumbass.

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