"Good eve—"

"Oh, good heavens!" She whispered-yelled after a gasp of surprise escaped her lips. After thinking she was left standing alone, the Viscount Bridgerton appeared right behind her. "Pardon me, my lord. I did not know you were there."

"My intention was not to startle you, Your Majesty," he chuckled lightly. "You seem distracted. Where did your mind travel to?"

"I was thinking about Simon," she admitted lowly.

"Hastings?" Anthony frowned. "Why?"

"Do you not remember he is supposedly leaving tonight?" She lightly sighed. "Is it wrong of me to think that I could have been a better friend to him? We barely spent any time together since I've arrived, and now... He's leaving."

"You shouldn't care much that he's leaving," he suddenly mentioned, earning a look of confusion from her. "I'm sure he'll come back...eventually."

"If this is your attempt to comfort me, my lord, allow me to explicitly inform you are failing miserably," she stated calmly.

"To me, you do not need comfort because I am sure Hastings will write letters to you whenever he can, or even visit you secretly so no one else other than Lady Danbury knows of it," he added, and lightly sighed before taking a hold of her hand and kissing its back. "On the other hand, I will still be here, so alone you will not be. Therefore, is there truly a reason to seek comfort, Your Majesty?"

"I appreciate such...kind words, my lord," she smiled, her words almost sarcastically. "However, I will pretend I did not hear them because I can seek comfort whenever, and to whoever I please."

"I see," he raised his eyebrows in surprise. "And to whom might you—"

"Your Majesty," a gentleman stood in front of her and offered her his hand. "It would be an absolute honor if you dance with me."

"Hey," the Viscount stood next to the Queen Dowager, much closer then before. "Can you not see we are in the middle of a conversation?"

"My lord—"

"Rudeness is not a quality of a man Her Majesty should dance with," Anthony cut him off without mercy. "Now shoo yourself away before you make more of a fool of yourself."

"My apologies, Lord Bridgerton. I did not realize," the man glared at the Viscount, and looked at the Queen Dowager with a small smile as he kissed the back of her hand in farewell. "Your Majesty."

"Lord..." She trailed off.

"Lord Middleton," he introduced himself.

"Thank you for such generous offer, Lord Middleton," she said, with such an adorable smile. Little does she know, smoke was coming out of Anthony's ears. "An offer I will gladly accept in another moment."

"Your Majesty," Lord Middleton nodded and finally walked away. Once he was out of sight, Charlotte punched the man next to her quite discreetly as a gasp escaped her lips.

"My God," she couldn't hide the grin on her face, nor the small giggle that followed after. "You, Anthony Bridgerton, are a menace to all men who want to get close to me."

"I know," he smirked.

Charlotte couldn't help but wonder, how could butterflies erupt in her stomach at a moment like this? Especially at the sight of his smirk, so charming, with a side of mischief.

The Queen Dowager of Württemberg | A. BridgertonWhere stories live. Discover now