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"Oh come on!" I flip the back of the book close as it leaves me on a cliffhanger. Now I'm going to have to go to the bookstore to get the next one. Although I'm going to have to wait until my next paycheck, which sucks cause I want to know what happens now. I roll over to look at the time and see it nearing one am. "shit" I get up from the bed and twist until I hear my back pop in different spots and then move my neck to crack it, sitting in the position for too long really isn't good for my body. I walk into the small bathroom in my dingy studio apartment that I surprisingly can afford by myself; barely but I do, it's not a lot but it's mine and I'm pretty proud of it, sure there's paint chipping away at the walls and the pipes are constantly leaking and the door barely locks unless I place a security lock I got off amazon in it, but the decor takes away from the flaws. I have plants everywhere that brighten the atmosphere up. I have a futon that during the day transforms my studio into a living room and night into my bedroom. I have neutral colors and bohemian decor that gives it that aesthetically pleasing vibe. But my pride and joy out of everything? My own little library nook. It's my escape when reality becomes too depressing or stressful. To live through the character and experience something that is too good to be true.

I run a hot shower and just stand and let the steam mix with the eucalyptus plant I have hanging over my shower head envelope me in a warm relaxing state. I wash my hair and body thinking of what awaits me tomorrow and then leading to what awaits me in life. I'm 25, single, working full-time, and part-time in school, and barely passing by with enough money in my pockets. I wish I could have a little bit of help but my stubbornness is what gets in the way. Sometimes I think I may be too picky, or think I deserve the absolute best but what has that gotten me? Alone with no friends and absolutely no love life. I feel myself spiraling down that dark hole again that I've gone down too many times before.

I take a deep breath to stop myself from going too far down. I turn the water off and get out of the shower, wrap myself in my bathrobe, and apply my scalp treatment and argon oil to my dampen hair. I walk to the sink and start my nightly skin routine, when finished I can't help but stare at the woman looking back at me in the reflection. She has those blue-green eyes that sometimes are also mistaken for grey, a few acne scars from when she was younger and didn't know proper skin care. A scar above the left eye cuts through the eyebrow leaving a permanent line through it that won't grow any more hair. Brunette hair with blonde pieces framing her face and that soft olive skin tone that was blessed by her  Italian genes on her mother's side. I turn and remove the bathrobe to look at her side profile and see she has a little bit more pounds than your average girl next door. She has the pudgy muffin top and what people call the "fupa" which.... why? Her butt is pretty big and goes well with the size of her thighs leading down to her calves which shows she walks quite a bit. My eyes travel up and stare at the one area she is the most uncomfortable with, she's embarrassed by how small her chest is. With her body size being a little heavier than others, you'd think she'd be sporting a nice rack but they're not. I wrap my arms around my chest and walk out not wanting to look at myself any longer.

I pick out my clothes for tomorrow thankfully I work for a nice office just a couple blocks from here so no need to ever drive, not like I could afford a car in the first place. I pull out a black calf-length pencil skirt with a fitted collard maroon shirt and black heels to match. I look around and Pull out my futon to make into my bed for the night. I make sure my phone is charging and my alarms are all set and lay down. I turn on my storm app so I can fall asleep to the sound of rain, living in the valley of California we barely get rain unless it's the dead middle of winter between December and January, but then it is only a few inches we get. I turn over and close my eyes letting the sounds from my phone lull me to sleep until I finally succumb.


The annoying ringing of my alarm leaves me wanting to throw my phone across the room but with how much money I have I better not. I open my heavy lids and blink a couple of times and huff with irritation. I am NOT a morning person by any means but I'd rather walk to work in the early morning than at night when all the creeps are out. I knew I shouldn't have stayed up too late reading cause now I feel like I'm a zombie. I get up and start getting ready and by the time I'm heading out the door, I lock it 3 times and twist and push on the door to make sure it is in fact locked. A ritual I do every time I leave. I wouldn't go as far as to say I have OCD but with my door and this neighborhood, it is a good reason to be paranoid. Once I am satisfied and sure it is secured I turn and walk down the 2 flights of stairs and then out to the front door greeted by the morning heat of lovely 70 degrees at 7 in the morning. I hate it, the heat is disgusting. if I had it my way I'd live in Seattle or Portland that would be my dream place to live. I look around and see the other people starting to leave their homes and get into their cars to leave for work also. I have a little time so I stop at my local coffee shop to get the day started.

"A Large Iced tuxedo please, with almond milk and no whip." The barista nods and I pay and go sit. I pull out my phone and check my bank account. I cringe at the amount and regret the coffee but know it will help me not commit murder when I see a certain someone at work today.

My name is called and I go to grab my coffee when I do I see a phone number written on the sleeve. I look at the barista who sends me a wink while also making a quick glance toward my ass that doesn't go unnoticed. Rolling my eyes I throw the sleeve away and leave the coffee shop. I hate that kind of attention, one reason why I don't date. All guys think about is ass and tits and adding to their scoreboard. I want romance, Look into the eyes of someone and have them worship me like a queen, but that only happens in the books I read. Also, I run every chance I get when a guy even tries to get close to me.

As I reach the doors to the office I take a moment to take a deep breath in and slowly out. one good sip from my coffee and walk right in. I beeline directly to my desk as quickly as I can to go unnoticed because I HATE being talked to so early in the morning, let me wake up first. I sit down and release a breath I was holding in. I look around and see maybe 4 other people that got here before me and am relieved when I don't see her.

"Hi, Sky! Good Morning, ready for the day?" speak of the fucking demon in my ass.

I turn to see Alyssa. She's a younger girl who started not too long after I did and maybe because we started around the same time she feels inclined to be buddy-buddy with me. I don't know but I hate how energized she is this early.

"Morning Alyssa," I say not meeting her eyes and turning my computer screen on and the brightness blinding me for a split second.

"So did you hear the news?" as much as she is sweet sometimes I want to scream at her to leave me alone. I finally look at her this time with a bored expression waiting for her to go on.

"The bosses have some business partners or some sort and there's going to be a lot of important people here! It's a little exciting to see so many important people, don't you think so?" Her face lit up with the idea of so many important people but for me?

"Alyssa, I really don't care about that. That has nothing to do with me, all I do is answer phone calls for Andrew and make sure his meetings are all taken care of. None of these meetings has anything to do with us." I turn away from her and look back at my screen and open my outlook to start going through the emails I received over the weekend and the amount is making me want to die.

"I know it doesn't have anything to do with us but the fact that they'll see how we represent this company would be prideful don't you agree?" I'm about to lose it. I take a deep breath and slowly face her again.

"yes Alyssa it is good to represent the company that way and also what looks good for the company is for its employees to do their jobs and not stand around and gossip." I turn away from her and feel her presence leave. Finally, now I can get started. I don't mean to sound rude but come on, it's barely 8. Let me wake up.

Hours go by and lunch Is finally here, I stand up and walk to my boss's office. The door closed and I see 2 silhouettes behind the glass wall. The type that you can't see directly through but you can see the shadows inside. I knock on the door and hear the gruff voice of Andrew. I open the door to advise I will be out for lunch but when I open I see Andrew along with an insanely handsome man. He stood at what I would guess 6 ft, skin kissed by the sun, tanned and gorgeous. His hair brown like milk chocolate and pushed back in a nice slicked back looked, My fingers twitched wanting to feel how silky and soft his hair looks. It takes everything in me to not let my jaw fall to the floor and for me to rip my eyes off him.

"I'm sorry for interrupting but I will be taking my lunch now Andrew, I will have my phone on hand if you need me." Andrew waves me out and I turn to leave but catch the man staring at me as if burning holes into me.

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