Chapter 1

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Y/n's POV:

I glared at the clock, not bothering to do my school work. I was the back row but was waiting impatiently for the class clock to strike three, not noticing my teacher walking up to me with her furious attitude.

"Excuse me, Mr L/n," she snapped, breaking me from my trance, as I glanced up at my math teacher. Ms Fulke was the worst person anyone could have, and if you thought being sent to the principal's office was bad. Think again.

Ms Fulke would yell at students for no reason and would keep everyone in after class for five minutes, but whoever spoke during that time would reset the 5 minutes. There was once a rumour that she nearly pushed a kid out the window. Everyone hated her, but I despised the cow. I didn't know why, but Ms Fulke seemed to dislike me the most out of all her students. It's not like I gave a damn, but it always seemed that she'd go through every excuse just to give me a detention. Of course, I to tried making her life a living hell. If someone was gonna treat me like shit, then I'd return the favour.

It wasn't exactly easy however when it came to a teacher.

"Yeah?" I asked, not bothered by the glare I was given. A few of my friends had noticed the trouble and was looking my way, curiously.

"Is there a problem?" she continued, "you don't seem to be doing your work." I didn't reply for a moment until a phoney smile painted over my face, that Ms Fulke saw through instantly.

"It appears that way," I shrugged, leaning back in my chair, "and I thought we already did our exam yesterday. Shouldn't you be giving us some time to slack off?" My teacher looked as if I spoke a curse.

"No because next year will be more than serious for you," she snapped, "you'll have final exams and will have the opportunity too go to university." However, I heard her mutter something on the lines of "no high hopes".

I clenched my fist, wanting nothing more but to show what I could really do than be a dickhead, but it was stupid. Not only did I just discover what I truly was, but I also didn't know much about it yet. Dad said he was planning to teach me after school, as I remembered the conversation.

"Dad, you...weren't drinking, right?" I asked. The other day in the afternoon, me and my father were having a chat...

"Of course not!" Dad cried, "look, I know it sounds ridiculous but it's the truth. Now can you please stop making dumb Harry Potter jokes." I stood there for a moment, glaring at him with suspicion.a

"So..." I began, "You-Know-Who isn't real?" My Dad slapped his forehead and groaned.

"I didn't say you're a wizard, idiot," he scoffed looking back at me with a serious glare,"I said you're a warlock. There's a big difference, also your mother doesn't know so don't mention this to her."

The conversation was on replay in my mind, which was the main reason why I couldn't concentrate that day. Not to mention I was stuck in math. I sighed, looking back at my teacher deadpanned.

"For your information Ms, I don't need uni to be successful," I stated, ignoring her glare, "however I'm going pretty good with a few of my subjects, and I have already figured out my future." I didn't really talk about this, but I had a small part time job and didn't mind it at all. I was earning money and I've saved enough to almost get a car by now.

Suddenly, the bell echoed through the school making everyone's eyes light up. Before Ms Fulke could pull another "the bell doesn't dismiss you" everyone including myself got up and ran outta there, finally free from our satanic teacher.   

"Dude I'm so glad tomorrow's Friday," Josh muttered, while we both wandered to the front gate. Josh and I both met back in our last year at primary school and have been inseparable ever since. However Josh was different from my other friends, he was like a brother to me. He had a brown undercut and eyes that were compared to a topical forest.

"Tell me about it," I sighed, " But I don't wanna deal with that bitch tomorrow. She's more of a cunt than usually..."

"Just stop whining about it, I keep on ranting on but it's not like- hey where are you going?!" Josh had turned to the bus bay while I stood behind.

"Dad's picking me up today," I sighed, "you'll just have to cope on your own." Josh suddenly gasped in a dramatic tone with a petrified expression.

"You're gonna abandon me like that?!" he cried sarcastically, "traitor!" I rolled my eyes, not taking the humour. Josh was funny, but being a smart arse was also the main ingredient to his personality.

"Grow up, you'll live," I scoffed. Josh pouted and stormed off to the front of the bus bay.

I chuckled before walking off, where there wasn't a flooded crowd. I found a bench to sit down on and grabbed my phone, texting my Dad. He said he was about to head off to pick me up, which would take about 30 minutes thanks to the traffic. I grabbed my AirPods from my bag and put them in before going into Spotify and listening to music. It was the only way I could distract myself from reality, other than watching movies, TV shows and etc. I feel like I'm in my own world and I enjoy that, because I don't have to deal with other people's bullshit.

After a while, I suddenly felt a tap on the shoulder that made me flinch. I looked up annoyed, but froze as I saw this girl looking at me with a deadpan expression. She had silky chocolate hair that rain down only past her shoulders and eyes like ebony. I immediately recognise her not as a popular girl, but a classmate from my PE class. She was always quiet and never talked to anyone outside her friend group, unless it was necessary for class.

"Can you move over please?" she asked in a dead tone. Still dumbfounded by her sudden appearance, I shuffled over on the bench as she said down, cornering herself close to the arm rest and away from me. I wondered why she did that, but then again she does the same to other people as well.

'How bad is her social anxiety?' I thought, 'and what the heck was her name again?, I think it was, it's Iris, isn't it?' Iris was in her sports uniform again even though we didn't have PE today, and was typing to someone on her phone.

"It's rude to stare, you know?" Her words caught me off guard as she turned to look at me, expressionless as usual, yet the tint in her eyes showed herself as uncomfortable.

"Sorry," I said, "but...why are you wearing your sports? I mean...isn't PE tomorrow." Iris stared at me for a moment before looking back at her phone.

"I have my reasons," she shrugged, however now my curiosity got the better of me.

"And that reason is?" Iris glanced at me again and I only noticed that she didn't look as tense than before.

"Well, because I'm allow to," she sighed, "and until they make shorts for the girls formal, I'll be wearing my sports." I stared at her confused.

"What's so bad about your formal?" I asked, but she only chuckled. "Some ladies don't enjoy wearing skirts, buddy," Iris said, her eyes meeting mine for the first time. She never made eye contact with anyone besides her friends, so this was another side of her I've never seen. And it surprised me. Just then, a car pulled up infront of as, as I am merely recognised it to be my father's. I grabbed my bag, getting up from the bench.

"Well, I guess I'll see you around then," I said. Iris nodded and I think I saw her lip curve a little.

"Right..." she said as I climbed into the back seat, closing the door. Dad began driving, but I saw him glance at me through the review mirror.

"What?" I asked. He shrugged and looked back at the road.

"Nothing," he said but I could see a small grin appear on his face.

"I don't know her, so don't you dare tell Mum," I snapped, "you know what she's like!" Since I'm more mature, Mum always assumes that I'm interested trying to pressure me to date. I could if I wanted to, but I'm not gonna waste my time when I have other things to deal with. Example, my mother.

"I won't I promise," Dad said, making me more than grateful.         

"So..." I began, " What exactly are we gonna be starting with? You said you wanted to teach me and now I'm just curious." Dad looked at me through the review mirror and I rolled my eyes seeing that smug look on his face.

"We'll just start with the basics."



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