social battery charger.

Start from the beginning

nendou being nendou thought y/n was there but ran away, so he left them.

saiki and y/n were relieved that nendou payed no mind to it.

"thank you so much saiki" said the boy to his classmate. he was standing when saiki said...

you can stay here.

"ah uh, thank you saiki" said boy sat back down and opened his lunch box and started eating. saiki also had his lunch but looked like his was missing something. then y/n handed him coffee jelly.

saiki had a confused face of why he would give him coffee jelly in the first place. "for dealing with them" them referringto the group of idiots.

then the psychic understood it wasn't for that but because he just can. the other boy didn't have any motive for wanting to be freinds with him but just wanted to hangout with him. either way his social battery has been gettign low faster nowadys.

after lunch teruhashi  walked up to the h/c male for advice. the said advice was for a certain love interest she had on the psychic, who was snooping around in their conversation.

" sure i'd love to help you what do you need help with?" the boy said not thinking anything of it.which kind of surprised saiki because he didn't like terhashi like every other boy besides them.

i bet he is sad that i don't like him, but its ok we weren't on the same social levels anyways. the blue haired girl though as she talked to y/n.

"when do you wanna meet up to talk about the subject? and where?" y/n asked as they took their phone out and turned to the notes app.  teruhashi was astonished at the boys bluntness.

is l/n like saiki!! no he couldn't be... could he..?

while that was sorted out, teruhashi and y/n decided on a time and place to meeet up and talk about the matter. the whole time teruhashi was freaking out on why y/n wouldn't like her.


saiki suddenly grabed y/n into a classroom. y/n looked around and the classroom had paintings, and art supply with sketches hanging on a board, it was the art room. y/n was a little taken aback by saiki, since he was the one who pulled him in. 

you cannot help teruhashi

"how come, she just wants help with her crush!"

i am her crush but i don't like her back and it will be annoying if you help her

y/n took a full 2 minutes staring at saiki to see if he is lying. i mean  it is possible, since it is teruhashi they were talking about. while y/n didn't really care, the psychic did.

" so what do you want me to do, my all mighty saiki." said y/n jokingly bowing down at saiki. annoyed saiki just sighed since thats all he could do. 

i need you to stop her from trying to date me, i don't like her like that, and i don't like girls like that.

" oh so you swing for the other team instead, or ar you unsure?" questioned the male who was confused on why saiki knew how teruhashi wanted advice on dating saiki.

its the latter, and i just don't want to cause drama by her coming for me and her minions being angry, jealous, or appreciating on having her attention like that.

(latter: situated or occurring nearer to the end of something than to the beginning.)

" ah ok, but it depends if i can cook for you, i have some recipes and if you help me with the science work, its  my hardest class even though my grades are ok in there." said y/n with comical tears at the latter part of his request.

saiki agreed for mostly teruhashi not bringing attention him by tyring to get his attention with one of the psychics weaknesses...

 the person he tolerates.


author here, telling you to eat well, and drink water.  i will try to publish every 2 nights, in other words every other night, it gives me time to think about my writing and correcting grammar errors. don't be afraid to correct me in some things! and have a good day/night and get your rest specially for big things at work or tests and big projects at school.

if you have questions about me just ask the here, i'll try to answere once i get my phone.

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