Chapter Forty Three

Start from the beginning

As soon as they were all out of the car they made their way through the trees, stopping just before they came into site of the waterfall. “I better go stand with Liam’s parent. Hailey will be keeping them busy,” Natasha said before giving Rayne a small hug and walking away.

“You ready?” Sammy asked smiling.

Rayne nodded her head. “Ready.”

“Baby, baby, baby, baby.” Rayne heard the start of the song All My Life, by K-Ci and Jojo that she had chosen to walk down the aisle to. Sammy was the first to walk out in the open and down the aisle followed by Maria. She looked at her father and smiled. “Ready?” Cole asked holding his arm out to her.

“Ready,” she said smiling as she hooked her arm in his.

They slowly walked out of the trees and Rayne gasped at how beautiful everything was, white chairs lined the walkway, they each had light yellow ribbons wrapped around each chair and tied into large bows at the back. The aisle had a long white silk cloth that ran all the way to the end, it also had frangipani scattered all over the white silk, so she would have to walk on them. She followed the flowers all the way to the other end and looked up to see Liam staring back at her. He was in a white suit with a yellow tie, he was the most handsome man she had ever seen. She smiled at him and he smiled back at her. Jesse stood beside him with a proud smile on his face, Kane was beside him and even though he was still upset with the fact that his mate hadn’t spoken more than two words to him since the day she left Rayne house he still manage to put all that aside so he wouldn’t ruin Rayne’s day. She began to slowly walk down the aisle looking at everyone as she walked past. She noticed Danny wasn’t looking at her but at the front where her bridesmaid Sammy and Maria where standing, he was totally focused on whatever he was looking at. She then looked at her uncle AJ and aunt Rose who were both smiling at her, she smiled back at them. She then looked at her Grandmother Chloe and Grandfather Aaron both were smiling at her also. He great grandmother Lucy was standing with them with Luke. She had cut her hair since her wolf had given her back control. She was smiling also but Rayne could see the sadness in her eyes. This was after all the place where her and her mate had gotten married years ago. It must have been extremely painful for her to be here today. She scanned the crowd and noticed the bright pink hair of Tori, she was standing beside Page who was holding Ivy in her arms. She gave them both a small smile, finally she had almost reached the end and could see her mother standing their wiping her eyes with a tissue. Liam’s parents stood beside her, his mother was holding Hailey. The person standing beside her made Rayne smile drop off her face. Meg stood there face forward staring at Liam, beside her was who she assumed was her brother Anderson. She felt her anger build at the sight of them both standing there. She looked back at Liam’s mother and glared at her. “Don’t let it ruin you day,” her father whispered in her ear.

She looked away from Liam’s mother and took a deep breath to calm herself before continuing to walk until she reached the end. As soon as they reached Liam, her father handed her over to him. “You better take good care of her,” he told him.

“I will, sir,” Liam said nodding his head.

Rayne rolled her eyes but didn’t say anything. They waited until her father had stepped away and made his way over to her mother before looking at each other and smiling.

“You look beautiful,” Liam whispered.

“You don’t look too bad yourself,” she told him.

They smiled at each other until the minister cleared his throat. “Shall we?” Liam asked.

Rayne just smiled and nodded her head. The Officiant smiled at them both before looking at the people sitting behind them.

“Family and friends, we are gathered together here on this day,” the Officiant said. “And in the face of this company – to join together this man and this woman in marriage, which is commended to be honourable among all men; and therefore – is not by any – to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly – but reverently, discreetly, advisedly and solemnly. These two persons present now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together – let them speak now or forever hold their peace.” The Officiant paused for a moment.

RAYNE (SBTE Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now