Game Night (Peter P.)

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A/n: I don't even know at this point. Oh, and these imagines can either be very dark or very cringe, because a few of them were written by 12 year old me-


"WHY ARE ALL OF YOU SO BORING?!?!" Y/n shouted at the top of her lungs as to grab everyone's attention.

Mission accomplished. Loki glared at her, peering out from the side of the book he was immersed in, and growled:

"Quiet, mortal. Do not throw another temper tantrum."

Natasha simply snickered at the mock-offended expression you sent at Loki's direction.

''Do not forget, Loki, it was I who introduced you to the the world of Harry Potter in which you are now oh SO immersed in.'' Y/n shot back at Loki, to which he just rolled his eyes.

"Yas! New High score! Beat THAT, God of Pop tarts." Clint victoriously exclaimed, mocking Thor, who, on the other hand, sent such a glare in his direction that Clint immediately shut up.

Both Clint and Thor were busy playing video games (Peter, Y/n and Clint had introduced video games to a VERY confused Thor and a VERY smug looking Loki, since he already had the hang of it, some time earlier), Natasha was scrolling on her phone on the couch, Loki was reading a book, Steve was baking... Well, trying to, Bruce was busy and in one of his ''Work modes'' which usually resulted in him falling asleep in the lab, Bucky was catching up on the decades by having a movie marathon, Tony was in the bar, Wanda was aimlessly levitating some jenga blocks, Pietro was gone on a jog, Vision was observing the dysfunctional family, and Peter was...

''Where the hell is Parker?'' Tony asked, walking towards and sitting next to Nat at the couch.

''LANGUAGE," Steve shouted from the kitchen.

''You actually voiced my thoughts, Mr Stank, '' Y/n commented with a small smile (to which Tony rolled his eyes), pulling out her phone.


Parker, Where r u at, man? : The boss bitch

AparkingLot : In my room... Y tho?

D u have ANY idea how bored I am right now? : The boss bitch

AparkingLot : Same goes for me here...

What r u doin? I've got a great idea.Come 2 the lounge : The boss bitch

AparkingLot : But I've got...HoMeWoRk...

So have I. It's Saturday. V can do it tomorrow, together? : The boss bitch

K? : The boss bitch

AparkingLot : K. Just cuz u said. But I'm sure the team is very boring right now.

That u r right about. : The boss bitch

I have something on my mind, tho... : The boss bitch

AparkingLot : Wait up, then, I'm coming.

AparkingLot : R v having a game night, then?

Exactly my thoughts. I'll try to convince them. Tho I might need your assistance. : The boss bitch

AparkingLot : It feels like they r babysitting us at times.

AparkingLot : XD

Ikr?! I'm like,''We're grown teenagers who turn 18 in barely 2 years.'' : The boss bitch

Loki and Peter Parker Imagines (X reader)Where stories live. Discover now