chapter 1 ig

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Hollyberry had visited the Dark Cacao kingdom a few times, but none was more exciting than this time. She hadn't told him..but at the end, she was going to propose, for goodness sake. She sat happily on the edge of her seat in the meeting room, tapping her foot, unable to contain her excitement.

The Second Watcher too sat at the table, waiting patiently for his majesty.

''..His Majesty should be arriving soon, My Lady.''

Her eyebrows furrowed with concern. ''Is he alright? He's taking a while.''

''Im sure he's alright.''


His words were taken aback. Then came a loud clatter.. from the opposite room. That was Dark Cacao's chambers. She got up quickly, brushing her dress as she rushed towards the room.

The Second Watcher's eyes narrowed. He knew what was going on..

''My lady, wait! He's-''

She slipped open the door.

''Are you alright there, have you fallen over?'' She chuckled. When there was no response..her expression turned to pure concern and worry.  ''Dark Cacao Cookie...are you..alri-''

She couldn't see him anywhere..but as soon as she looked up, her eyes narrowed in horror. She gazed up at the ghostly beast, who was trying to claw its way out of the room. The room wasnt very spacious for it. The monster growled setting its cold, pale eyed gaze on Hollyberry Cookie. It backed into the corner further, a dark, misty aura surrounding it and the room.


He had been so stressed about the meeting, and the crisis with his kingdom, and the constant reminders of his past just became too much for him and had overwhelmed him, so much that he actually went berserk. It nor he didn't want to hurt anyone....yet it was so......blinded by sorrow, rage and regrets of the past..

It suddenly fell to the ground with a loud thud, the ground cracking as it buried its head in its claws...Thick white tears the size of Hollyberry herself began to pour from his eyes. Despite its noise was heard from the beast. It seems this form was a reflection of how he was feeling.

''Cacao..Oh..You...You were worrying so much about this meeting weren't you..''

She came face to face with the beast, placing her hand between its eyes, bowing her head against its head. ''...Its alright now...I'm here...I love you, you know that?''
''You are not the monster, Cacao...'' Hollyberry wiped its tears.. giving it a light kiss on the forehead..

The monster crawled back, beginning to grunt in pain...and just like that..slowly but surely...he began to shift back into his normal form. Hollyberry walked over..and he was back to normal, hunched over in her if her kind words had calmed him.

He grunted in pain.. ''..Ugrh..Im so..tired....Goodness..that..hurt...'' Dark Cacao suddenly realised who was infront of him. ''..H..Hollyberry Cookie!? Y..You..Actually..'' He seemed embarrassed. ''...I..Am So..Sorry....Are You Hurt!? Are You Alright..!?''

Hollyberry's brows furrowed once more. ''..I'm fine..the more important question is, Cacao..Are YOU Alright. Think about yourself for once.''

''..All is well..Im just...'' Before he could finish his sentence, he passed out in her arms.

Hollyberry chuckled softly, putting Cacao in his bed. ''..Rest up now. You'll need it for toomorow.''

She walked out, closing the doors quietly. The Second Watcher stood near the door.

''Is he alright!?''

''He's alright, just exhausted is all. We may need to postpone the meeting to tomorrow.''

''As you request, My Lady.'' And like that The Second Watcher was off.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2023 ⏰

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[ A Sentimental Night. ] ( HollyCacao Fanfic....+Berserk Form! )Where stories live. Discover now