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Chapter: paparazzi

Fernanda's POV

I woke up to hearing my phone vibrate and I saw that my best friend Anastasia was calling me. I picked up my phone and answered. "Heyy Nanda, I have some exciting news for you!" She says, making you hear her excitement. "What, what what?!" I laughed while rubbing my eyes to try and wake myself up.

"You have someone that wants you to model for them, here in Paris!" She said, making me feel her smile trough the phone. "But I'm in Barcelona, and I have a job Stasia" I say tiredly. "If it doesn't go well, then you can be a reporter for Paris-Saint-German, maybe it will be good for you, for a change" she said, obviously trying to convince me. I knew she wants me to Paris especially because she lives there, I'd love to meet her everyday but I have too leave Barcelona and the club, Neeymaar.

"I know it's a hard decision to make since you and Neymar kinda has a thing, but it's Versace, one of the most famous brand's" she says trying to overpower the loud music in the background. "First of all; me and Neymar is not anything, we're just friends, second of all; I don't know if I like modelling" I admitted, which was not a lie, I mean I'd always wanted to be a model but I never got the chance to model for any modelling agencies. "Pleeease, we'll meet everyday and you'll get more money also, and yes you and Neymar are a thing" she snickers, making me laugh.
"I'll think about it okay? I really need to go" I explained to her and ended the call as I stepped out of my bed, heading towards the bathroom

I take a shower and I only put on a short crop top and take a picture for Instagram while I was brushing my teeth. I do my skincare and then walked into my bedroom towards my white IKEA closet. I pick out a pair of low-waisted blue jeans, that has
Glittery crosses placed on my bum and the bottom reached above the knees, I then put on a black skin-tight shirt. I put on some light makeup, concealer and some blush. I'm not a breakfast type of person so I usually skip it, or I'll feel nauseous the whole day. I put on some black boots and slid them on my feet before I grabbed my coat and headed out the door quickly, my taxi had been waiting for me, for about 3 minutes.

I quickly ran down the apartment stairs and opened the big door that led out to the sidewalk, with the street about 2 meters away. I stepped into the backseat and closed the door and said hello to the taxi driver. It was a quiet ride which I appreciate, I don't really like talking to the driver's usually. He drove me to Camp Nou and he wanted me to sign a little post-it paper for his daughter, I didn't know why they wanted mine but I signed it anyway, I placed a ten dollar bill in the middle of the two front seats before I stepped out of the black SUV.

I made my way into the big stadium and sat on one of the thousands of the chairs.
I was going to interview the barça players about their thoughts on last nights game, in Portuguese. Portuguese is my third language, my first is English then Greek.
I have lived in America for about 2 years before I became a reporter, and I'm from Cyprus so I talk Greek with my mom and Portuguese to my dad since he's from Brazil. I was just scrolling through Instagram seeing some funny stuff about me and Neymar. I sent some of them even though he didn't have his phone right now, since he was on the field with the rest of the Barcelona players.

Chloe arrived shortly after I arrived to Camp Nou. She was fixing his camera at one of the benches, where the players was at, drinking from their water bottles.
Chloe waved at me gesturing that I needed to come down.

"Hii!" Chloe said in a squeaky voice while hugging me tightly, I hugged her back of course, she is one of my best friends. I said hello to Chloe and we started filming.

"Ok, olá a todos! Hoje perguntamos aos jogadores do Barcelona o que pensam sobre o jogo da noite passada contra o Real Madrid ou, como é chamado, os rivais do Braça. Hoje vamos começar com Neymar" I say happily and waved him over

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