messages and an escape

Start from the beginning

Cheong-san's message:
"Mum. It's me. Dad, you're okay too, right? I'm..I'm good. Mom. Cheong-san chicken still sounds stupid, by the way. If it were cheongsan auto, cheongsan group or cheongsan air that'd be different, that'll be okay. Mom, listen. Don't freak out okay? You're the only person I can tell. But.. Gyeong-su's dead, mom. Because i called him over. I did it in case he'd bite the others,'s my fault he died, you know? Please tell his grandma on my behalf. Put it gently, so she doesn't get...too upset. Gyeong-su wanted to work at our restaurant, remember? But I told him no, because he'd try to eat free chicken every day. I should have just let him do it."

You hold onto Cheong-san's hand as he sobs. 

On-jo's message:
"Hi, Dad. I miss you. You're not here, but i waited for you all night, and we're holding on together. You always say being healthy is better than getting good grades. You said you'd be the first to come if anything ever happened. And you're okay, right? You have t be okay, dad. You don't have to come and save me, but..still, i wish you'd come. I really thought you would be here by now. But I'm okay. Usually, I save his for my allowance. But I'll say it for free here. Dad, I...I love you. I love you. I really love you."

You start tearing up at On-jo's message, your heart stinging in pain for her and for yourself as you realise just how much you miss your own parents and sister.

You clear your throat as On-jo passes the camera to you.

Your message:
"Hey mom, hi dad. How are you both? I hope you're doing okay..please be okay. I miss you both so much. Mom, I'm sorry for arguing with you the morning before all of this started happening. I didn't realise that might be the last time i ever see you. I don't know how I will ever live knowing that you two are dead, so please. Please be alive. And for my sister..Saikie. Saikie please take care of yourself, I hope you're safe. I love you all so, so much. I will stay alive and fight to see you again, I promise. Love, Y/n."

The classroom is silent as nobody has ever seen you cry before. You're always putting on this image of yourself, making sure you're always being brave no matter what the situation is. But this time, you let your guard down as you're losing hope.

Cheong-san places his hand out, indicating for you to hold it. You move your chair closer to his and rest your head on his shoulder as you place your hand into his, resting both your hands on his lap.

"We'll get out of this mess alive.. right?" You whisper.

"Yes. We will." Cheong-san reassures you.

"If Nam-ra's immune..does that mean she's okay even if she gets bitten?" Dae-su asks the group

"Probably" Joon-yeong replies

"Oh shit." Dae-su complains, "That's not fair."

"She still has zombie blood in her veins." Ji-min argues...again.

"She isn't completely a zombie." Dae-su argued back, "..a half-bie?"

"What's a half-bie" Hyo-ryeong asks

"Short for half zombie" Dae-su replies

"Really?" Hyo-ryeong questions

"It's like half and half, like half spicy, half fried...Oh I want chicken" Dae-su rambles on.

"Dae-su, don't you want that sodia we had on our way to school?" Wu-jin asks, turning to his friend, "Don't you want it so bad?"

𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 // Cheong-san x reader 🫶Where stories live. Discover now