Friends with The New Guy

Start from the beginning

"Will she ever not hate me?" He asked. You shrugged.

"One day, once she warms up to you," You replied, looking down at your hands in your lap as you picked nonchalantly at your nails.

"How long does that take?" He huffed, leaning against the frame of the door.

"She warmed up pretty quick to me. You just gotta be nice and power through the shit she puts you through." You paused, debating whether you should continue what you were going to say. After a second of consideration you added, " Plus, she's put you through less shit on your first day than she did during mine."

"What did she do?" Jeremy said, cocking his head to the side in interest. You laughed remembering what happened, which was only funny in retrospect.

"She detached her break and threw it at my head. She also broke multiple dishes throwing them in my general direction but I don't know if that was on purpose or she was just having a bad day," You snickered. Michael looked up at you in surprise.

"THAT'S HOW YOU GOT THE CUT ON YOUR HEAD?" Michael exclaimed in shock. You laughed at his reaction.

"YEAH? Did you not see it on the cameras or something?" You questioned.

"I was sleeping I think," Michael admitted, closing his eyes as he laughed before suddenly getting serious. "Don't tell my dad I was sleeping on the job, he'll have my ass," He groaned exasperatedly.

"Wait, who's your dad?" Jeremy asked suddenly. You leaned forward towards Jeremy, placing a hand on the edge of the desk to steady yourself.

"William, fucking, Afton. Also, Mike you do not have to worry about me saying shit to your dad. I can barely hold a conversation with him without sweating through my shirt," You groaned. Michael rolled his eyes.

"Stop wanting to fuck my dad, [Name], that means you'll be my second dad and I don't know if I would ever be able to process that," He scoffed.

"Hey, I'd be a cool dad! I didn't say shit about you smoking yesterday I think, I don't remember but still!" You huffed. Jeremy snickered.

"You know I think he likes you back in all honesty," Jeremy said in a taunting tone. "In all seriousness he kept glancing at you," He added in a more genuine tone as he walked forward. He approached the desk and leaned on the side opposite of you. Michael blushed as he got closer.

"He was probably just making sure I wasn't having too much trouble. I've been having issues adapting to being in a loud, bright environment for so many hours." You admitted, but Jeremy just looked at you skeptically before shrugging the conversation topic off.

"If you say so. Hey, if you don't mind me asking, what was Toy Chica doing in here earlier?" He asked. You and Michael glanced at each other. Michael nodded his head as a non verbal "go ahead" to you.

"We were just coming up with a way to make Toy Freddy admit he likes Toy Bonnie. They're both crushing hard but refuse to admit anything to each other." You snort. Jeremy's eyes go wide.

"Yeah, they're really fucking gay," Michael tacked onto your words, drawing out the word "really" for dramatic effect.

"I'm shockingly not surprised at this news. So what's the plan?" Jeremy questioned.

"We do not have one yet!" You answered confidently. "Chica said that she'd probably have one by tomorrow, but if not we'd just lock them in a closet until they confess."

"Isn't the whole point to get them to come out of the closet?" Jeremy posed. You drew your brows together.

"I SAID THE SAME FUCKING THING!" Michael exclaimed. You laughed loudly.

"Michael!" A voice came calling from down the hallway. You and Jeremy turned to look towards the source of the noise, your mind already figuring that the voice belonged to William. William who was currently walking down the hall. Michael waited for him to approach a bit closer before answering.

"Yeah what's up?" Mike asked, straightening his posture a little.

"Ready to leave? I was thinking that we could stop by Wendys for dinner." William smiled. You blushed and quickly looked away from him and instead at Michael.

"Sure, I'll be out in a second," Michael agreed, standing from his chair. William turned on his heel and left without another word, spinning his car keys around his index finger. You turned and watched him leave down the hall. "Jeremy, why don't you give me and [Name] your phone number, we can make a group chat and talk about stuff there?" Michael proposed, Jeremy nodding in agreement.

"Alright! Here, I'll put my number in your phone." Jeremy reached out to take Michael's phone from him. After a quick exchange, Michael had Jeremy's number on his phone.

"I'll add you both to a group chat and [Name] can get your number from there. Bye guys!" Michael waved, before bounding down the hall after his father. You glanced at the clock on the wall.

"Oh I should get going too, I promised to play games with my brother after work. Bye, Jeremy! It was nice meeting you," You said quickly, nodding your head down slightly as a goodbye gesture. Jeremy waved and you left down the hall. On your way out you stopped by Parts n Service to say goodbye to the animatronics back there. As you pushed open the door you realized it appeared that they were all sleeping, or at least doing the robotic version of sleeping. You decided not to bother them, instead gently closing the door and heading back to the main area. The main animatronics were on the stage, and you waved goodbye to Toy Chica and Bonnie as you left through the glass doors of the establishment.

By the time you got outside, William and Michael had already left in William's car. You crawled into your own car, the exhaustion of the long day you had catching up with you. Luckily today was much more tame as you actually had someone there helping you. Jeremy was extremely competent and was able to take up half of the workload which was an extreme weight lifted from you shoulders. You made a mental reminder to thank him for it later.

After arriving at your house, you quickly changed out of your work clothes and showered before changing into a comfortable pair of pajamas. You made yourself an easy dinner for the night which consisted of ramen and a bag of chips you found in your cupboard. You sat yourself at your desk, booting up your PC and preparing for what you already knew was going to be a long night of chaotic gaming with your brother. You tried to tell yourself it would only be a few hours but you knew in the back of your mind that your brother would convince you to play until your mother yelled at him to go to sleep. As you opened discord, your phone buzzed. At first you assumed it was your brother, but the notification was, in fact, from Michael and who you had to assume was Jeremy. You quickly added Jeremy's number as a contact on your phone and then checked what they were talking about quickly.

You decided the conversation was relatively unimportant and instead put your phone down, calling your brother and starting a voice chat with him. "Hey, bro!" Your brother exclaimed, his voice making you smile. "Still dealing with gay robots and runny-nosed children?" He joked.

"Sadly. Though me and three of the others are coming up with a plan for the gay robots part," You stated. Your brother hummed in reply.

"You've already made friends? Wow, I'm surprised!" He taunted. You rolled your eyes and opened Minecraft.

"Yeah, I actually have. There's Michael, the day guard. Then there's Jeremy, he was just hired today, I think I told you about him? He's an engineer like me. Then I became friends with most of the robots. Haven't really talked to Toy Freddy or the two at the Prize Corner much though." You listed off, waiting for you and your brother's shared world to load.

"You know, I always knew those things were alive."

God I Hate This Job - William Afton x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now