Chapter 18 - Talk to me

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"Niall!! Let me in!! Talk to me!" Harry constantly called for Niall but the door didn't open. Harry's voice got more aggressive the longer he waited, his knocks forced hard on the door. Water running and Niall's small sobs, heard from the other side of the door. I knew he was hurt. And it was killing Harry. But I couldn't let him near Jason. I was suddenly snapped out of my thoughts to see Harry had broken the door down. Harry disappeared into the bathroom and I followed. Niall was curled up, his knees to his chest, arms tight around his legs, sobbing as water ran down his face, his head sitting in between his knees and chest. Harry turned the water off and grabbed Niall's hand, Niall flinching a little from the sudden contact. Harry helped him up and walked him back to Niall's room, sitting on the bed. "Niall, what'd he do?" Niall kept his head hung low. Harry ran his hands through Niall's hair and pushed it away from his eyes. "Niall, tell me". Niall shook his head and Harry gave a frustrated groan.

"Harry.." Harry's head shot up to me and he gave me a glare, clearly telling me to shut the fuck up. I put my arms up in defence and kept quiet.

"Baby, talk to me". Harry wrapped his arm around Niall's shoulders. I felt a tight grip around my waist and Zayn rested him shin on my shoulder. I leant back in his touch, a smile spreading across my face. Niall was soaking wet. Harry stood up and helped Niall up, leading to the bottom of his polo. Harry lifted it a little but Niall's arms shot down and held it there. Harry frowned. "Niall...." Niall just shook his head. "Niall, show me". I could see red finger marks on Niall's wrists and felt shock fill me. I didn't know it was that bad. They trailed along his arms along with dark bruises. No wonder why Harry was so angry and upset. Why didn't I go up here? Why didn't I stop Justin? Why didn't I get Zayn to? Why didn't I think? His screams explained everything and I held Harry back. Harry grabbed Niall's wrists and Niall flinched. Harry's grip loosened and I saw a single tear dropping down his cheek. His hands led back to the bottom of Niall's polo and he slowly pulled it up. Niall didn't object this time, instead he slowly lifted his arms, pain crossing his face as he did so. Is this what I did? Before I found out Harry's love for him. Is this the pain I caused him?

"I think we should go". A shiver ran down my spine from Zayn's warm breath on my neck. I lightly nodded and slowly backed out of Niall's room.

Harry's POV

I can't believe Louis held me back. How could he? How could he make me listen to Niall's screams and cries for help? Without being able to do a thing to stop them. As I stepped back and examined Niall's bruised body, my knees almost gave way. How could Justin do this? My Niall.

"He won't be hurting you again, you hear me? This won't happen again".

"No-Harry. You can't do anything. He'll make things worse...please Harry. Don't do-" I pushed my lips to Niall's, praying for him to trust me. Niall's lips moved with mine in perfect sync. I wrapped my arms around his waist, carefully pulling him closer to me, trying not to hurt him and he entangled his fingers in my curls. He lightly tugged them and a small moan came from the back of my throat. Niall shoved him tongue in my mouth and I didn't fight it. His tongue explored my mouth as I gave him ass a light squeeze and he moaned softly. I smiled into the kiss and departed our lips, resting our foreheads together.

"I love you". A small smile curled up on Niall's face.

"I love you too". Niall giggled a little. My smile faded as I looked back down to Niall's body and walked us over to his bed, wrapping my arms around him, him resting his back on my chest.

"What did he do to you Niall?" Niall took a deep breath and squeezed his eyes closed. "You need to tell me. I need to know what he did to you". He nodded and sighed.

"He showed up just after you left. He...he slammed me up against my door, with a really tight grip on my wrists. I tried to fight him but....he was too strong. He was screaming at me about telling you. I tried to tell him that I hadn't told you a thing but he wouldn't listen. He...he bashed me. He kicked me and punched me all over my body. Everything hurts Harry. My whole body aches. He pulled off my clothes aggressively and..." Niall's eyes squeezed shut, he was possibly trying to block out the memory of this.

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