"Yes?" I reply looking over the top of my reading glasses. He nervously pauses. "Er...um...your syllabus. I gave them out to everyone before you joined us." He says handing me a booklet of stapled papers. I look down at it scanning it over. "Thank you!" I reply then pause. "I don't see office hours on here anywhere though." I say looking at him confused.

"My cell phone number is right here at the top. I find it easier to text my students personally than hold office hours. I'm available anytime. I know that college students have a lot going on and hold non traditional hours themselves, so I like to be available anytime" he says smiling.

"Oh...that's smart" I reply surprised. "So if you ever need anything or have a question, feel free to text me" he tells me with a polite smile. "Thank you Professor um..." I say searching the syllabus. "Tom...er....I mean Hiddleston. It's Professor Hiddleston." He says with an anxious smirk.

"Well, okay then, Professor Hiddleston, I'm Ann. Nice to meet you." I reply. "Do you have a last name Ann?" He asks curiously.

"I do, do you have a class roster?" I sarcastically reply with a flirty grin

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"I do, do you have a class roster?" I sarcastically reply with a flirty grin. His whole demeanor quickly changes. A stern look washes over his face and his hands slide into his pockets. One eyebrow arches up as he tips his chin down. I suddenly feel like I'm in trouble. "Well...ahem *clears his throat* I'll um...just have to dig it out then" he says with a bothered sigh. "Good day Ann" he replies before abruptly walking away.

That night I have a shift at "All Balls" which is the popular sports bar just off campus. There's a football game being televised locally between two of our rival schools. Whichever wins, we face next week in the playoffs, so the crowd is extra rowdy tonight. "Hello...welcome to All Balls can I start you off with our draft special tonight? It's a tall Cider Boys for $1.00." I say looking down at my paper as I approach my final table of the night. I then let out a tired sigh before looking up.

"Um...hello, I'd actually like a scotch on the rocks please...Ann, is it?" The customer says. "Oh...hi! Professor Hiddleston. Sorry it's been a crazy night." I reply completely caught off guard. "I'm sure it has, campus is quite chaotic this evening." He says taking off his glasses and rubbing his eyes as if the noise is bothering his head. He then looks back up at me and I notice how astonishingly blue his eyes are, they sparkle brightly against light from all of the TV sets.

"Yes, it's nuts in here tonight." I then mutter after getting lost in thought staring at his mesmerizing eyes. He then puts his glasses back on and I ask "do you need a minute to decide?" He suddenly realizes that there's a menu laying in front of him and chuckles embarrassed. "Yes, I believe I do, sorry" he says. "No worries, take your time, I'll get your drink" I tell him then I turn and walk over to the bar.

On my way back to the Professor's table, one of my other tables nearby stops me. "Ann...Ann...pretty little Annie!" Tony from Professor Hiddleston's class, who's very drunk by the way, says grabbing my arm as I walk by. "Oh hey Tony, do you need something?" I ask. He pulls me down onto his lap almost causing me to spill the drink that I'm carrying. "Yeah, I need something babe" he playfully says trying to bury his mouth between my breasts. Then he starts to rub the inside of my thighs "alrighty then, I've got work to do!" I reply quickly jumping up off his lap. "Wait...where are you going sweet tits?" He loudly shouts.

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