Chapter two: kidnapped..or teleportation?

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Your POV:
( it's still the same day)

I was sitting on a boulder, watching klee blast fishes but noticed that almost all fishes are gone or dead

"Klee! That's enough!"

I yelled as klee stopped and looked at the fishes she bombed on most the lake but you know what I mean

"..sorry mom..."

She said as she putted her head down

"It's fine at least it wasn't jean who caught you, you would be in solitary confinement my child."

I said as I picked a calla lily examining it before putting it down looking at her before getting off of the boulder and patting her head, giving her a small smile

"After we come back to mondstadt let's go to good hunters after this alright?"

Klee's eyes began to sparkle with such delight and hugged me

"Oh thank you thank you thank you!! I promise I will be good!!"

I looked at her red orbs as she looked in my (e/c) orbs and booped her nose

"You should get back to albedo, I heard he got something exciting for you to do~"

I coped and saw klee's eyes widen as her smile became bigger

"Really!? Mr. Albedo does? Then I have to go Bye mother!!!!"

She said as she ran and giggled through the forest to dragonspine

I had some connections or rather some small talk with him in the past, he was a strange fellow for sure but he did say something in one of our talks...I couldn't remember but felt pain through my head

Like an arrow piercing through my skull with such force, my eyes began to water

"Save them!! Save them thánatos!!!"

"It was your fault they died, it was your fault they died in your arms..ĮT ĪŚ ŸŒÜR FÆÜŁT THËŸ TRĮËD TŒ ŠÆVË ŸŒÜ"

You fell on the sand breathing heavily and your sight was a delusion and you couldn't feel your body except for the stinging pain in your head and the words

"Įt wæß ÿœùr fæüłt"

You didn't see that there was a abyss mage behind you and had no time to think nor process a plan as you turned around and it knocked you out

Leaving you in pitch black darkness only muttering one sentience

"..chuángsòng liyue..."

It was the last thing you said after losing consciousness completely

No one's POV:

The abyss mage stared in shock as parts of you were being plucked off like little specks of dandelions, instead of that it was a light green and purple octagon shape floating out of your body and disappearing

Your lamp-like tail began to hold on you head as it was trying to stop the bleeding from the side of your head

The abyss mage watched as your body began to be like dust and going off somewhere far from mondstadt

It stared at your blood, it stared at the ash before the tail was gone

It would have been quite bothersome if there was a bloody mess but it didn't have time to think about before it got hit by a claymore and sword as it got hit towards a tree, landing hard

Eternal light Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon