Chapter 4 edited

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ddot pov

I slowly turned around, cblu was now pointing the gun to my forehead.

Cblu. Tell me why I should boom ur dumbass right here.

ddot. U-Um you see I just leaving an-

Before I could walk out the front door, cblu locked the door and stood in front of it.

Cblu. U really think I'm from planet stupid ???

ddot. Yeah.

He thinks grabbed my by my throat tight.

To the point where I couldn't breath.

ddot. I-I can't....breath.

He let go, I gasp for air.

Cblu. I'll let u go, under one condition.

He said snatching my gun away.

Cblu. Go kill Notti, and send me a video of u killing him...

ddot. What !?

I said pushing him.

He grabbed my wrist, tight.

Cblu. I guess u didn't hear me, I said go kill Notti and send me a video of u killing him

ddot. Nigga no.

I said trying to get of his grip.

I was kicking him and everything.

Cblu. U left me no choice.

Next thing I knew he punched me, and then I blacked out.

I woke up to see I was in a basement.

My mouth was covered with tape.

And my arms and legs were tied up to a chair.

I looked up and see Cblu sitting in a chair on his phone.

ddot. Let me go !!!!

I said yelling, but the tape makes my words muffled.

Cblu looked up at me a smirked.

He got up and walked up to me.

I tried to move, but I couldn't.

He then snatched the tape off my mouth.

ddot. OUCH !!!

Cblu chuckled.

Cblu. Maybe if u did what I had said, I would've let u go.

He said crossing his arms.

ddot. Yo when my niggas find out about this, they gonna boom yo ass.

Cblu. Blah blah blah, shut up Ashley.

I then heard a phone ring in his pocket.

He took the phone out his pocket.

It was mine.


He cut me off when he covered my mouth with tape again.

He smirked.

Cblu. Looks who calling.

He showed me my phone.

Dudeylo was FaceTiming me.

Cblu. Look like these niggas care about you, hmmm ???

 Look like these niggas care about you, hmmm ???

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

He said making this face.

He answered the phone and turned the camera off.

Dudeylo. Yo ddot, you good ??? It's been 2 hours.

I yelled, but my yells was muffled.

Cblu. Yooo.

Dudeylo. Cblu ??? Where the fuck is ddot !!!???

Cblu. He's right infront of me.

He turned on the camera and he pointed the phone at me.

Dudeylo. Ahhh hell nah bro, got my mans tied up like that.

Cblu. If u want him back, u gotta come get him.

Dudeylo. Well we already got ya boys, so I can get u too, don't worry ddot, we coming.

Cblu hung up the phone.

Cblu. They not gonna find u..... I turned off ur location.

He said putting my phone in his pocket and walking away.

I forgot these niggas don't know where he live.

I'm fucked.

Edited cause someone said I copied someone, even though I didn't

Gang $hit (Sugarhillddot x Cblu) BXBDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora