Let's Teach

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(3rd person pov)

"Umm, what?!!?" Half the class yelled at the same time in shock. "Oh yea, Nezu thinks that you should learn it after the USJ attack," Izuku said in a calm tone while holding his ears. "And speaking of interrogation let's get started with the lesson." "Umm, where are we gonna get someone to interrogate?" Iida asked looking around the room. "First you guys are not going to interrogate anyone, you're gonna watch me and take notes, got it." Izuku explains in a matter-a-fact tone.

"Who are you gonna interrogate?" Uraraka asked in a curious tone. "This scumbag called Killgore a.k.a Ramsey Deacon, his quirk is called technopath, he can control all kinds of tech." Izuku explains while a chair with a chubby man handcuffed to it rises from the ground. "Wait, you brought a villain into the school isn't that dangerous." Iida yelled out rhetorically while waving his hand. "Dude, we are in the most secure school in the country with over 20 heroes outside 2 of whom can cancel out any quirk so I'd say we are safe." Izuku said while he poured water on Killgore.

"Huh, where the hell am I?" Killgore asks no one in particular. "Oh, you're at U.A university in my classroom." Izuku answers honestly with a straight face. "Why am I here, man?" Killgore asks in a fearful tone. "Simple, you're my demonstration for the class but don't worry I won't hurt you, well much at least." Izuku says in a chrerrful tone. "What are exactly demonstrating?" Killgore asks in a worried tone. "Oh, I'm gonna interrogate you as that's what I'm teaching them so I'm just gonna ask you a few questions and all you have to do is answer them truthfully and I won't hurt you, got it?" Izuku explained thoroughly. 

(Izuku's pov)

"Ok, so you were with the League of Villains when they attacked U.A., right?" I asked in a questionary tone. "Uh, yea, so what, why does that matter?" Killgore said in an unsure tone while sweating. "Oh, I'm getting information so the heroes and the cops can arrest the guys that got away." I say getting out one of my guns. "What no!?!? I'm not giving you anything." Killgore says adamantly. "Well, guess what, you don't a choice, so you either give me what I want or I break a limb." I say in a threatening tone. 

"No, I won't give you anything!" Killgore shouts in defiance. "Ok, then, this is gonna hurt a lot." I say as I break his arm. "AAAAHHHH HOLY SHIT THAT HURTS" Killgore exclaims in pain. "Now, class this is how you get information as criminals are cowardly and all you have to do to get what you want is intimidate them," I tell the class while I punch Killgore in the face. "Now, Killgore, tell me what I want to know or I break the other one." I tell him in a dangerous tone. "Okay, Okay, what do you want to know?" Killgore asked in pain. "Who recruited you into the League of Villains when you guys attacked U.A.?" I ask in a serious tone. 

"A criminal broker and informant named Giran contacted everyone that was involved with the attack." Killgore said in a fearful tone. "What about the white-haired guy and the guy made of black fog?" I say in a curious tone. "The white-haired guy was the boss and the fog guy was his right-hand but I do that they both answered to someone else that the white-haired guy called master." Killgore says in fear. 'Umm, he's afraid but not of me.' I think to myself as the bell rings. "Well, time's up class, now excuse me while I go make my way to Nezu's office, bye." I say leaving the room.

(Timeskip to Nezu's room)

(Nezu's pov)

"So, what did you learn, old friend?" I say as Izuku enters my office. "The person that recruited the villains for the attack is called Giran and the white-haired guy that led the attack was only a second boss there is another one that he calls the master, who I suspect is AFO." Izuku tells me in a serious tone while taking a drink from his hip-flask. "Well, then I guess it's the worst possible scenario, huh." I say taking a sip from my tea. "Oh, yea, but I have a suspicion that he's weaker than he was five years ago," Izuku says in a serious tone. "What makes you say that, my friend." I ask him in a curious tone. "Simple if he wasn't weaker then he wouldn't need any help to attack U.A.." Izuku says with a straight face. "Very true, old friend." I say taking another of my tea. "He's up to something, I can feel it." I say seriously.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2023 ⏰

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